Package 'mixvlmc'

Title: Variable Length Markov Chains with Covariates
Description: Estimates Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) models and VLMC with covariates models from discrete sequences. Supports model selection via information criteria and simulation of new sequences from an estimated model. See Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999) <doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204> for VLMC and Zanin Zambom, A., Kim, S. and Lopes Garcia, N. (2022) <doi:10.1111/jtsa.12615> for VLMC with covariates.
Authors: Fabrice Rossi [aut, cre, cph] , Hugo Le Picard [ctb] , Guénolé Joubioux [ctb]
Maintainer: Fabrice Rossi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-02-01 04:29:52 UTC

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mixvlmc: Variable Length Markov Chains with Covariates


Estimates Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) models and VLMC with covariates models from discrete sequences. Supports model selection via information criteria and simulation of new sequences from an estimated model. See Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999) doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204 for VLMC and Zanin Zambom, A., Kim, S. and Lopes Garcia, N. (2022) doi:10.1111/jtsa.12615 for VLMC with covariates.

Package options

Mixvlmc uses the following options():

  • mixvlmc.maxit: maximum number of iterations in model fitting for covlmc()

  • mixvlmc.predictive: specifies the computing engine used for model fitting for covlmc(). Two values are supported:

    The first option "glm" is recommended as both stats::glm() and VGAM::vglm() are able to detect and deal with degeneracy in the data set.

  • mixvlmc.backend: specifies the implementation used for the context tree construction in ctx_tree(), vlmc() and tune_vlmc(). Two values are supported:

    • "R" (default value): this corresponds to the original almost pure R implementation.

    • "C++": this corresponds to the experimental C++ implementation. This version is significantly faster than the R version, but is still considered experimental.

  • mixvlmc.charset: specifies the collection of characters used to display context trees in "ascii art" when using the "text" format for draw() and related functions. Two values are supported:

    • "ascii": the collection uses only standard ASCII characters and should be compatible with all environments;

    • "utf8": the collection uses UTF-8 symbols and needs a compatible display. At loading the option is set based on a call to cli::is_utf8_output(). It defaults to "utf8" is this encoding is supported.


Maintainer: Fabrice Rossi [email protected] (ORCID) [copyright holder]

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

Convert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates (coVLMC)


This generic function converts an object into a covlmc.


as_covlmc(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tune_covlmc'
as_covlmc(x, ...)



an object to convert into a covlmc.


additional arguments for conversion functions.


a covlmc

See Also



## conversion from the results of tune_covlmc
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
rdts_best_model_tune <- tune_covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov)
rdts_best_model <- as_covlmc(rdts_best_model_tune)

Extract the sequence encoded by a node


This function returns the sequence represented by the node object.


as_sequence(node, reverse)



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


specifies whether the sequence should be reported in reverse temporal order (TRUE) or in the temporal order (FALSE). Defaults to the order associated to the ctx_node which is determined by the parameters of the call to contexts() or find_sequence().


the sequence represented by the node object, a vector


rdts <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "A")
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3)
res <- find_sequence(rdts_tree, "A")

Convert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This generic function converts an object into a vlmc.


as_vlmc(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree'
as_vlmc(x, alpha, cutoff, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tune_vlmc'
as_vlmc(x, ...)



an object to convert into a vlmc.


additional arguments for conversion functions.


cut off parameter applied during the conversion, quantile scale (if specified)


cut off parameter applied during the conversion, native scale (if specified)


This function converts a context tree into a VLMC. If alpha or cutoff is specified, it is used to reduce the complexity of the tree as in a direct call to vlmc() (prune()).


a vlmc

See Also




## conversion from a context tree
rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
rdts_vlmc <- as_vlmc(rdts_ctree)
## conversion from the result of tune_vlmc
rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
tune_result <- tune_vlmc(rdts)
rdts_best_vlmc <- as_vlmc(tune_result)

Convert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This generic function converts an object into a vlmc.


## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree_cpp'
as_vlmc(x, alpha, cutoff, ...)



an object to convert into a vlmc.


cut off parameter applied during the conversion, quantile scale (if specified)


cut off parameter applied during the conversion, native scale (if specified)


additional arguments for conversion functions.


This function converts a context tree into a VLMC. If alpha or cutoff is specified, it is used to reduce the complexity of the tree as in a direct call to vlmc() (prune()).


a vlmc

See Also




## conversion from a context tree
rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3, backend = "C++")
rdts_vlmc <- as_vlmc(rdts_ctree)

Create a complete ggplot for the results of automatic COVLMC complexity selection


This function prepares a plot of the results of tune_covlmc() using ggplot2. The result can be passed to print() to display the result.


## S3 method for class 'tune_covlmc'
autoplot(object, ...)



a tune_covlmc object


additional parameters (not used currently)


The graphical representation proposed by this function is complete, while the one produced by plot.tune_covlmc() is minimalistic. We use here the faceting capabilities of ggplot2 to combine on a single graphical representation the evolution of multiple characteristics of the VLMC during the pruning process, while plot.tune_covlmc() shows only the selection criterion or the log likelihood. Each facet of the resulting plot shows a quantity as a function of the cut off expressed in quantile or native scale.


a ggplot object


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 10:12, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
rdts_best_model_tune <- tune_covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, criterion = "AIC")
covlmc_plot <- ggplot2::autoplot(rdts_best_model_tune)

Create a complete ggplot for the results of automatic VLMC complexity selection


This function prepares a plot of the results of tune_vlmc() using ggplot2. The result can be passed to print() to display the result.


## S3 method for class 'tune_vlmc'
autoplot(object, cutoff = c("quantile", "native"), ...)



a tune_vlmc object


the scale used for the cut off criterion (default "quantile")


additional parameters (not used currently)


The graphical representation proposed by this function is complete, while the one produced by plot.tune_vlmc() is minimalistic. We use here the faceting capabilities of ggplot2 to combine on a single graphical representation the evolution of multiple characteristics of the VLMC during the pruning process, while plot.tune_vlmc() shows only the selection criterion or the log likelihood. Each facet of the resulting plot shows a quantity as a function of the cut off expressed in quantile or native scale.


a ggplot object


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 10:11, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_best_model_tune <- tune_vlmc(rdts, criterion = "BIC")
vlmc_plot <- ggplot2::autoplot(rdts_best_model_tune)
## simple post customisation
print(vlmc_plot + ggplot2::geom_point())

ASCII character set for context tree text representation


This function returns a list of ASCII characters used to fine tune the draw() function behaviour when it is used with format="text". It can be used as is or customised using its parameters.


  root = "*",
  first_node = "+",
  next_node = "'",
  final_node = "'",
  vbranch = "|",
  hbranch = "--",
  open_ct = "(",
  close_ct = ")",
  level_sep = " ~ ",
  time_sep = " | ",
  intercept = "(I)",
  intercept_sep = " & ",
  open_p_value = "<",
  close_p_value = ">",
  open_model = "[",
  close_model = "]"



character used for the root node.


characters used for the first child of a node.


characters used for intermediate children of a node.


characters used for the last child of a node.


characters used to represent a branch in a vertical way.


characters used to represent a branch in a horizontal was.


characters used to start each node specific text representation.


characters used to end each node specific text representation.


characters used to separate levels from models in draw.covlmc().


characters used to separate temporal blocks in draw.covlmc().


characters used to represent the intercept in draw.covlmc().


characters used to the intercept from the other parameters in draw.covlmc().


characters used as opening delimiters for the p value of a node in draw.covlmc().


characters used as closing delimiters for the p value of a node in draw.covlmc().


characters used as opening delimiters for the representation of a model in draw.covlmc().


characters used as closing delimiters for the representation of a model in draw.covlmc().


a list

See Also

draw(), charset_utf8().


charset_ascii(root = "x")

UTF-8 character set for context tree text representation


This function returns a list of UTF-8 characters and symbols used to fine tune the draw() function behaviour when it is used with format="text". It can be used as is or customised using its parameters.


  root = "▪",
  first_node = "├",
  next_node = "├",
  final_node = "└",
  vbranch = "│",
  hbranch = "─",
  open_ct = "(",
  close_ct = ")",
  level_sep = " ~ ",
  time_sep = " ⁞ ",
  intercept = "(I)",
  intercept_sep = " • ",
  open_p_value = "‹",
  close_p_value = "›",
  open_model = "[",
  close_model = "]"



character used for the root node.


characters used for the first child of a node.


characters used for intermediate children of a node.


characters used for the last child of a node.


characters used to represent a branch in a vertical way.


characters used to represent a branch in a horizontal was.


characters used to start each node specific text representation.


characters used to end each node specific text representation.


characters used to separate levels from models in draw.covlmc().


characters used to separate temporal blocks in draw.covlmc().


characters used to represent the intercept in draw.covlmc().


characters used to the intercept from the other parameters in draw.covlmc().


characters used as opening delimiters for the p value of a node in draw.covlmc().


characters used as closing delimiters for the p value of a node in draw.covlmc().


characters used as opening delimiters for the representation of a model in draw.covlmc().


characters used as closing delimiters for the representation of a model in draw.covlmc().


a list

See Also

draw(), charset_ascii().


charset_utf8(root = "\u27E1")

Find the children nodes of a node in a context tree


This function returns a list (possibly empty) of ctx_node objects. Each object represents one of the children of the node represented by the node parameter.



## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'

## S3 method for class 'ctx_node_cpp'



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


Each node of a context tree represents a sequence. When find_sequence() is called with success, the returned object represents the corresponding node in the context tree. If this node has no child, the present function returns an empty list. When the node has at least one child, the function returns a list with one value for each element in the state space (see states()). The value is NULL if the corresponding child is empty, while it is a ctx_node object when the child is present. Each ctx_node object is associated to the sequence obtained by adding to the past of the sequence represented by node an observation of the associated state (this corresponds to an extension to the left of the sequence in temporal order).


a list of ctx_node objects, see details.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
ctx_00 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0))
## this context can only be extended in the past by 1:
ctx_10 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(1, 0))
## this context can be extended by both states
## C++ backend
rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3, backend = "C++")
ctx_00 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0))
## this context can only be extended in the past by 1:
ctx_10 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(1, 0))
## this context can be extended by both states

Number of contexts of a context tree


This function returns the number of distinct contexts in a context tree.





a context tree.


the number of contexts of the tree.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
# should be 8

Contexts number of a VLMC with covariates


This function returns the total number of contexts of a VLMC with covariates.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'



a fitted covlmc model.


the number of contexts present in the VLMC with covariates.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 10)
# should be 3

Contexts of a context tree


This function extracts from a context tree a description of all of its contexts.


contexts(ct, sequence = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, ...)



a context tree.


if TRUE the function returns its results as a data.frame, if FALSE (default) as a list of ctx_node objects. (see details)


logical (defaults to FALSE). See details.


additional arguments for the contexts function.


The default behaviour consists in returning a list of all the contexts contained in the tree using ctx_node objects (as returned by e.g. find_sequence()) (with type="list"). The properties of the contexts can then be explored using adapted functions such as counts() and positions(). The result list is of class contexts. When sequence=TRUE, the method returns a data.frame whose first column, named context, contains the contexts as vectors (i.e. the value returned by as_sequence() applied to a ctx_node object). Other columns contain context specific values which depend on the actual class of the tree and on additional parameters. In all implementations of contexts(), setting the additional parameters to any no default value leads to a data.frame result.


A list of class contexts containing the contexts represented in this tree (as ctx_node) or a data.frame.

State order in a context

Notice that contexts are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. Set reverse to TRUE for the reverse convention which is somewhat easier to relate to the way the context trees are represented by draw() (i.e. recent values at the top the tree).

See Also

find_sequence() and find_sequence.covlmc() for direct access to a specific context, and contexts.ctx_tree(), contexts.vlmc() and contexts.covlmc() for concrete implementations of contexts().


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3, min_size = 5)
contexts(rdts_tree, TRUE, TRUE)

Contexts of a VLMC with covariates


This function returns the different contexts present in a VLMC with covariates, possibly with some associated data.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
  sequence = FALSE,
  reverse = FALSE,
  frequency = NULL,
  positions = FALSE,
  local = FALSE,
  metrics = FALSE,
  model = NULL,
  hsize = FALSE,
  merging = FALSE,



a fitted covlmc model.


if TRUE the function returns its results as a data.frame, if FALSE (default) as a list of ctx_node objects. (see details)


logical (defaults to FALSE). See details.


specifies the counts to be included in the result data.frame. The default value of NULL does not include anything. "total" gives the number of occurrences of each context in the original sequence. "detailed" includes in addition the break down of these occurrences into all the possible states.


logical (defaults to FALSE). Specify whether the positions of each context in the time series used to build the context tree should be reported in a positions column of the result data frame. The availability of the positions depends on the way the context tree was built. See details for the definition of a position.


specifies how the counts reported by frequency are computed. When local is FALSE (default value) the counts include both counts that are specific to the context (if any) and counts from the descendants of the context in the tree. When local is TRUE the counts include only the number of times the context appears without being the last part of a longer context.


if TRUE, adds predictive metrics for each context (see metrics() for the definition of predictive metrics).


specifies whether to include the model associated to a each context. The default result with model=NULL does not include any model. Setting model to "coef" adds the coefficients of the models in a coef column, while "full" include the models themselves (as R objects) in a model column.


if TRUE, adds a hsize column to the result data frame that gives for each context the size of the history of covariates used by the model.


if TRUE, adds a merged column to the result data frame. For a normal context, the value of merged is FALSE. Contexts that share the same model have a TRUE merged value.


additional arguments for the contexts function.


The default behaviour of the function is to return a list of all the contexts using ctx_node_covlmc objects (as returned by find_sequence.covlmc()). The properties of the contexts can then be explored using adapted functions such as counts(), covariate_memory(), cutoff.ctx_node(), metrics.ctx_node(), model(), merged_with() and positions().

When sequence=TRUE the method returns a data.frame whose first column, named context, contains the contexts as vectors (i.e. the value returned by as_sequence() applied to a ctx_node object). Other columns contain context specific values specified by the additional parameters. Setting any of those parameters to a value that ask for reporting information will toggle the result type of the function to data.frame.

See contexts.ctx_tree() for details about the frequency parameter. When model is non NULL, the resulting data.frame contains the models associated to each context (either the full R model or its coefficients). Other columns are added is the corresponding parameters are set to TRUE.


A list of class contexts containing the contexts represented in this tree (as ctx_node_covlmc) or a data.frame.


A position of a context ctx in the time series x is an index value t such that the context ends with x[t]. Thus x[t+1] is after the context. For instance if x=c(0, 0, 1, 1) and ctx=c(0, 1) (in standard state order), then the position of ctx in x is 3.

State order in a context

Notice that contexts are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. Set reverse to TRUE for the reverse convention which is somewhat easier to relate to the way the context trees are represented by draw() (i.e. recent values at the top the tree).

See Also

find_sequence() and find_sequence.covlmc() for direct access to a specific context, and contexts.ctx_tree(), contexts.vlmc() and contexts.covlmc() for concrete implementations of contexts().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(0, median(pc$active_power), max(pc$active_power))
dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks)
dts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(dts, dts_cov, min_size = 5)
## direct representation with ctx_node_covlmc objects
m_cov_ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
sapply(m_cov_ctxs, covariate_memory)
sapply(m_cov_ctxs, is_merged)
sapply(m_cov_ctxs, model)
## data.frame interface
contexts(m_cov, model = "coef")
contexts(m_cov, model = "full", hsize = TRUE)

Contexts of a context tree


This function extracts from a context tree a description of all of its contexts.


## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree'
  sequence = FALSE,
  reverse = FALSE,
  frequency = NULL,
  positions = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree_cpp'
  sequence = FALSE,
  reverse = FALSE,
  frequency = NULL,
  positions = FALSE,



a context tree.


if TRUE the function returns its results as a data.frame, if FALSE (default) as a list of ctx_node objects. (see details)


logical (defaults to FALSE). See details.


specifies the counts to be included in the result data.frame. The default value of NULL does not include anything. "total" gives the number of occurrences of each context in the original sequence. "detailed" includes in addition the break down of these occurrences into all the possible states.


logical (defaults to FALSE). Specify whether the positions of each context in the time series used to build the context tree should be reported in a positions column of the result data frame. The availability of the positions depends on the way the context tree was built. See details for the definition of a position.


additional arguments for the contexts function.


The default behaviour of the function is to return a list of all the contexts using ctx_node objects (as returned by find_sequence()). The properties of the contexts can then be explored using adapted functions such as counts() and positions().

When sequence=TRUE the method returns a data.frame whose first column, named context, contains the contexts as vectors (i.e. the value returned by as_sequence() applied to a ctx_node object). Other columns contain context specific values specified by the additional parameters. Setting any of those parameters to a value that ask for reporting information will toggle the result type of the function to data.frame.

If frequency="total", an additional column named freq gives the number of occurrences of each context in the series used to build the tree. If frequency="detailed", one additional column is added per state in the context space. Each column records the number of times a given context is followed by the corresponding value in the original series.


A list of class contexts containing the contexts represented in this tree (as ctx_node) or a data.frame.


A position of a context ctx in the time series x is an index value t such that the context ends with x[t]. Thus x[t+1] is after the context. For instance if x=c(0, 0, 1, 1) and ctx=c(0, 1) (in standard state order), then the position of ctx in x is 3.

State order in a context

Notice that contexts are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. Set reverse to TRUE for the reverse convention which is somewhat easier to relate to the way the context trees are represented by draw() (i.e. recent values at the top the tree).

See Also

find_sequence() and find_sequence.covlmc() for direct access to a specific context, and contexts.ctx_tree(), contexts.vlmc() and contexts.covlmc() for concrete implementations of contexts().


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3, min_size = 5)
## direct representation with ctx_node objects
## data.frame format
contexts(rdts_tree, sequence = TRUE)
contexts(rdts_tree, frequency = "total")
contexts(rdts_tree, frequency = "detailed")

Contexts of a VLMC


This function extracts all the contexts from a fitted VLMC, possibly with some associated data.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
  sequence = FALSE,
  reverse = FALSE,
  frequency = NULL,
  positions = FALSE,
  local = FALSE,
  cutoff = NULL,
  metrics = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
  sequence = FALSE,
  reverse = FALSE,
  frequency = NULL,
  positions = FALSE,
  local = FALSE,
  cutoff = NULL,
  metrics = FALSE,



a context tree.


if TRUE the function returns its results as a data.frame, if FALSE (default) as a list of ctx_node objects. (see details)


logical (defaults to FALSE). See details.


specifies the counts to be included in the result data.frame. The default value of NULL does not include anything. "total" gives the number of occurrences of each context in the original sequence. "detailed" includes in addition the break down of these occurrences into all the possible states.


logical (defaults to FALSE). Specify whether the positions of each context in the time series used to build the context tree should be reported in a positions column of the result data frame. The availability of the positions depends on the way the context tree was built. See details for the definition of a position.


specifies how the counts reported by frequency are computed. When local is FALSE (default value) the counts include both counts that are specific to the context (if any) and counts from the descendants of the context in the tree. When local is TRUE the counts include only the number of times the context appears without being the last part of a longer context.


specifies whether to include the cut off value associated to each context (see cutoff() and prune()). The default result with cutoff=NULL does not include those values. Setting cutoff to quantile adds the cut off values in quantile scale, while cutoff="native" adds them in the native scale. The returned values are directly based on the log likelihood ratio computed in the context tree and are not modified to ensure pruning (as when cutoff() is called by raw=TRUE).


if TRUE, adds predictive metrics for each context (see metrics() for the definition of predictive metrics).


additional arguments for the contexts function.


The default behaviour of the function is to return a list of all the contexts using ctx_node objects (as returned by find_sequence()). The properties of the contexts can then be explored using adapted functions such as counts(), cutoff.ctx_node(), metrics.ctx_node() and positions().

When sequence=TRUE the method returns a data.frame whose first column, named context, contains the contexts as vectors (i.e. the value returned by as_sequence() applied to a ctx_node object). Other columns contain context specific values specified by the additional parameters. Setting any of those parameters to a value that ask for reporting information will toggle the result type of the function to data.frame.

The frequency parameter is described in details in the documentation of contexts.ctx_tree(). When cutoff is non NULL, the resulting data.frame contains a cutoff column with the cut off values, either in quantile or in native scale. See cutoff.vlmc() and prune.vlmc() for the definitions of cut off values and of the two scales.


A list of class contexts containing the contexts represented in this tree (as ctx_node) or a data.frame.

Cut off values

The cut off values reported by contexts.vlmc can be different from the ones reported by cutoff.vlmc() for three reasons:

  1. cutoff.vlmc() reports only useful cut off values, i.e., cut off values that should induce a simplification of the VLMC when used in prune(). This exclude cut off values associated to simple contexts that are smaller than the ones of their descendants in the context tree. Those values are reported by context.vlmc.

  2. context.vlmc reports only cut off values of actual contexts, while cutoff.vlmc() reports cut off values for all nodes of the context tree.

  3. values are not modified to induce pruning, contrarily to the default behaviour of cutoff.vlmc()


A position of a context ctx in the time series x is an index value t such that the context ends with x[t]. Thus x[t+1] is after the context. For instance if x=c(0, 0, 1, 1) and ctx=c(0, 1) (in standard state order), then the position of ctx in x is 3.

State order in a context

Notice that contexts are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. Set reverse to TRUE for the reverse convention which is somewhat easier to relate to the way the context trees are represented by draw() (i.e. recent values at the top the tree).

See Also

find_sequence() and find_sequence.covlmc() for direct access to a specific context, and contexts.ctx_tree(), contexts.vlmc() and contexts.covlmc() for concrete implementations of contexts().


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
model <- vlmc(rdts, alpha = 0.5)
## direct representation with ctx_node objects
model_ctxs <- contexts(model)
sapply(model_ctxs, cutoff, scale = "quantile")
sapply(model_ctxs, cutoff, scale = "native")
sapply(model_ctxs, function(x) metrics(x)$accuracy)
## data.frame format
contexts(model, frequency = "total")
contexts(model, cutoff = "quantile")
contexts(model, cutoff = "native", metrics = TRUE)

Report the distribution of values that follow occurrences of a sequence


This function reports the number of occurrences of the sequence represented by node in the original time series used to build the associated context tree (not including a possible final occurrence not followed by any value at the end of the original time series). In addition if frequency=="detailed", the function reports the frequencies of each of the possible value of the time series when they appear just after the sequence.


counts(node, frequency = c("detailed", "total"), local = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'
counts(node, frequency = c("detailed", "total"), local = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_node_cpp'
counts(node, frequency = c("detailed", "total"), local = FALSE)



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


specifies the counts to be included in the result. "total" gives the number of occurrences of the sequence in the original sequence. "detailed" includes in addition the break down of these occurrences into all the possible states.


specifies how the counts are computed. When local is FALSE (default value) the counts include both counts that are specific to the context (if any) and counts from the descendants of the context in the tree. When local is TRUE the counts include only the number of times the context appears without being the last part of a longer context.


either an integer when frequency="total" which gives the total number of occurrences of the sequence represented by node or a data.frame with a total column with the same value and a column for each of the possible value of the original time series, reporting counts in each column (see the description above).

See Also

contexts() and contexts.ctx_tree()


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3, min_size = 5)
subseq <- find_sequence(rdts_tree, factor(c("A", "A"), levels = c("A", "B", "C")))
if (!is.null(subseq)) {

Maximal covariate memory of a VLMC with covariates


This function return the longest covariate memory used by a VLMC with covariates.





a covlmc object


the longest covariate memory of this model


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
m_nocovariate <- vlmc(rdts)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 10)

Covariate memory length for a COVLMC context


This function returns the length of the memory of a COVLMC context represented by a ctx_node_covlmc object.





A ctx_node_covlmc object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts.covlmc()


the memory length, an integer


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 10)
ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
## get all the memory lengths
sapply(ctxs, covariate_memory)

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates (coVLMC) to a discrete time series coupled with a time series of covariates.


  alpha = 0.05,
  min_size = 5L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_data = TRUE,
  control = covlmc_control(...),



an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series, such as an integer vector or a dts object (see dts())


a data frame of covariates.


number in (0,1) (default: 0.05) cut off value in the pruning phase (in quantile scale).


number >= 1 (default: 5). Tune the minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree (see below for details).


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical (defaults to TRUE). If TRUE, the original data are stored in the resulting object to enable post pruning (see prune.covlmc()).


a list with control parameters, see covlmc_control().


arguments passed to covlmc_control().


The model is built using the algorithm described in Zanin Zambom et al. As for the vlmc() approach, the algorithm builds first a context tree (see ctx_tree()). The min_size parameter is used to compute the actual number of observations per context in the growing phase of the tree. It is computed as min_size*(1+ncol(covariate)*d)*(s-1) where d is the length of the context (a.k.a. the depth in the tree) and s is the number of states. This corresponds to ensuring min_size observations per parameter of the logistic regression during the estimation phase.

Then logistic models are adjusted in the leaves at the tree: the goal of each logistic model is to estimate the conditional distribution of the next state of the times series given the context (the recent past of the time series) and delayed versions of the covariates. A pruning strategy is used to simplified the models (mainly to reduce the time window associated to the covariates) and the tree itself.

Parameters specified by control are used to fine tune the behaviour of the algorithm.


a fitted covlmc model.

Logistic models

By default, covlmc uses two different computing engines for logistic models:

Both engines are able to detect degenerate cases and lead to more robust results that using nnet::multinom(). It is nevertheless possible to replace stats::glm() and VGAM::vglm() with nnet::multinom() by setting the global option mixvlmc.predictive to "multinom" (the default value is "glm"). Notice that while results should be comparable, there is no guarantee that they will be identical.


  • Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains." Ann. Statist. 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

  • Zanin Zambom, A., Kim, S. and Lopes Garcia, N. (2022), "Variable length Markov chain with exogenous covariates." J. Time Ser. Anal., 43 (2) 312-328 doi:10.1111/jtsa.12615

See Also

cutoff.covlmc() and prune.covlmc() for post-pruning.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
  probs = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 15)
  list(mixvlmc.predictive = "multinom"),
  m_cov_nnet <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 15)

Control for coVLMC fitting


This function creates a list with parameters used to fine tune the coVLMC fitting algorithm.


covlmc_control(pseudo_obs = 1)



number of fake observations of each state to add to the observed ones.


pseudo_obs is used to regularize the probability estimations when a context is only observed followed by always the same state. Transition probabilities are computed after adding pseudo_obs pseudo observations of each of the states (including the observed one). This corresponds to a Bayesian posterior mean estimation with a Dirichlet prior.


a list.


rdts <- rep(c(0, 1), 100)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(y = rep(0, length(rdts)))
default_model <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov)
contexts(default_model, type = "data.frame", model = "coef")$coef
control <- covlmc_control(pseudo_obs = 10)
model <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, control = control)
contexts(model, type = "data.frame", model = "coef")$coef

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates (coVLMC) to a discrete time series coupled with a time series of covariates.


## Default S3 method:
  alpha = 0.05,
  min_size = 5L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_data = TRUE,
  control = covlmc_control(...),



a numeric, character, factor or logical vector


a data frame of covariates.


number in (0,1) (default: 0.05) cut off value in the pruning phase (in quantile scale).


number >= 1 (default: 5). Tune the minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree (see below for details).


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical (defaults to TRUE). If TRUE, the original data are stored in the resulting object to enable post pruning (see prune.covlmc()).


a list with control parameters, see covlmc_control().


arguments passed to covlmc_control().


The model is built using the algorithm described in Zanin Zambom et al. As for the vlmc() approach, the algorithm builds first a context tree (see ctx_tree()). The min_size parameter is used to compute the actual number of observations per context in the growing phase of the tree. It is computed as min_size*(1+ncol(covariate)*d)*(s-1) where d is the length of the context (a.k.a. the depth in the tree) and s is the number of states. This corresponds to ensuring min_size observations per parameter of the logistic regression during the estimation phase.

Then logistic models are adjusted in the leaves at the tree: the goal of each logistic model is to estimate the conditional distribution of the next state of the times series given the context (the recent past of the time series) and delayed versions of the covariates. A pruning strategy is used to simplified the models (mainly to reduce the time window associated to the covariates) and the tree itself.

Parameters specified by control are used to fine tune the behaviour of the algorithm.


a fitted covlmc model.

Logistic models

By default, covlmc uses two different computing engines for logistic models:

Both engines are able to detect degenerate cases and lead to more robust results that using nnet::multinom(). It is nevertheless possible to replace stats::glm() and VGAM::vglm() with nnet::multinom() by setting the global option mixvlmc.predictive to "multinom" (the default value is "glm"). Notice that while results should be comparable, there is no guarantee that they will be identical.


  • Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains." Ann. Statist. 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

  • Zanin Zambom, A., Kim, S. and Lopes Garcia, N. (2022), "Variable length Markov chain with exogenous covariates." J. Time Ser. Anal., 43 (2) 312-328 doi:10.1111/jtsa.12615

See Also

cutoff.covlmc() and prune.covlmc() for post-pruning.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
  probs = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 15)
  list(mixvlmc.predictive = "multinom"),
  m_cov_nnet <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 15)

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates (coVLMC) to a discrete time series coupled with a time series of covariates.


## S3 method for class 'dts'
  alpha = 0.05,
  min_size = 5L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_data = TRUE,
  control = covlmc_control(...),



a discrete time series represented by a dts object as created by dts()


a data frame of covariates.


number in (0,1) (default: 0.05) cut off value in the pruning phase (in quantile scale).


number >= 1 (default: 5). Tune the minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree (see below for details).


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical (defaults to TRUE). If TRUE, the original data are stored in the resulting object to enable post pruning (see prune.covlmc()).


a list with control parameters, see covlmc_control().


arguments passed to covlmc_control().


The model is built using the algorithm described in Zanin Zambom et al. As for the vlmc() approach, the algorithm builds first a context tree (see ctx_tree()). The min_size parameter is used to compute the actual number of observations per context in the growing phase of the tree. It is computed as min_size*(1+ncol(covariate)*d)*(s-1) where d is the length of the context (a.k.a. the depth in the tree) and s is the number of states. This corresponds to ensuring min_size observations per parameter of the logistic regression during the estimation phase.

Then logistic models are adjusted in the leaves at the tree: the goal of each logistic model is to estimate the conditional distribution of the next state of the times series given the context (the recent past of the time series) and delayed versions of the covariates. A pruning strategy is used to simplified the models (mainly to reduce the time window associated to the covariates) and the tree itself.

Parameters specified by control are used to fine tune the behaviour of the algorithm.


a fitted covlmc model.

Logistic models

By default, covlmc uses two different computing engines for logistic models:

Both engines are able to detect degenerate cases and lead to more robust results that using nnet::multinom(). It is nevertheless possible to replace stats::glm() and VGAM::vglm() with nnet::multinom() by setting the global option mixvlmc.predictive to "multinom" (the default value is "glm"). Notice that while results should be comparable, there is no guarantee that they will be identical.


  • Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains." Ann. Statist. 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

  • Zanin Zambom, A., Kim, S. and Lopes Garcia, N. (2022), "Variable length Markov chain with exogenous covariates." J. Time Ser. Anal., 43 (2) 312-328 doi:10.1111/jtsa.12615

See Also

cutoff.covlmc() and prune.covlmc() for post-pruning.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
power_dts <- dts(cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
  probs = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3, 1)
power_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(power_dts, power_cov, min_size = 15)

Build a context tree for a discrete time series


This function builds a context tree for a time series.


  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_position = TRUE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R"),



an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series, such as an integer vector or a dts object (see dts())


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context to be included in the tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Maximum length of a context to be included in the tree.


logical (default: TRUE). Should the context tree keep the position of the contexts.


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


additional parameters


The tree represents all the sequences of symbols/states of length smaller than max_depth that appear at least min_size times in the time series and stores the frequencies of the states that follow each context. Optionally, the positions of the contexts in the time series can be stored in the tree.


a context tree (of class that inherits from ctx_tree).

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
## get all contexts of length 2
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 2)

Build a context tree for a discrete time series


This function builds a context tree for a time series.


## Default S3 method:
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_position = TRUE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R"),



a numeric, character, factor or logical vector


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context to be included in the tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Maximum length of a context to be included in the tree.


logical (default: TRUE). Should the context tree keep the position of the contexts.


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


additional parameters


The tree represents all the sequences of symbols/states of length smaller than max_depth that appear at least min_size times in the time series and stores the frequencies of the states that follow each context. Optionally, the positions of the contexts in the time series can be stored in the tree.


a context tree (of class that inherits from ctx_tree).

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
## get all contexts of length 2
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 2)

Build a context tree for a discrete time series


This function builds a context tree for a time series.


## S3 method for class 'dts'
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  keep_position = TRUE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R"),



a discrete time series represented by a dts object as created by dts()


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context to be included in the tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Maximum length of a context to be included in the tree.


logical (default: TRUE). Should the context tree keep the position of the contexts.


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


additional parameters


The tree represents all the sequences of symbols/states of length smaller than max_depth that appear at least min_size times in the time series and stores the frequencies of the states that follow each context. Optionally, the positions of the contexts in the time series can be stored in the tree.


a context tree (of class that inherits from ctx_tree).

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


x_dts <- dts(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
## get all contexts of length 2
ctree <- ctx_tree(x_dts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 2)

Cut off values for VLMC like model


This generic function returns one or more cut off values that are guaranteed to have an effect on the model passed to the function when a simplification procedure is applied (in general a tree pruning operation as provided by prune()).


cutoff(model, ...)



a model.


additional arguments for the cutoff function implementations


The exact definition of what is a cut off value depends on the model type and is documented in concrete implementation of the function.


a cut off value or a vector of cut off values.

See Also



pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts)
model_cuts <- cutoff(model)
model_2 <- prune(model, model_cuts[2])

Cut off values for pruning the context tree of a VLMC with covariates


This function returns all the cut off values that should induce a pruning of the context tree of a VLMC with covariates.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
cutoff(model, raw = FALSE, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)



a fitted COVLMC model.


specify whether the returned values should be limit values computed in the model or modified values that guarantee pruning (see details)


specify the minimum separation between two consecutive values of the cut off in native mode (before any transformation). See details.


additional arguments for the cutoff function.


Notice that the list of cut off values returned by the function is not as complete as the one computed for a VLMC without covariates. Indeed, pruning the COVLMC tree creates new pruning opportunities that are not evaluated during the construction of the initial model, while all pruning opportunities are computed during the construction of a VLMC context tree. Nevertheless, the largest value returned by the function is guaranteed to produce the least pruned tree consistent with the reference one.

For large COVLMC, some cut off values can be almost identical, with a difference of the order of the machine epsilon value. The tolerance parameter is used to keep only values that are different enough. This is done in the quantile scale, before transformations implemented when raw is FALSE.

Notice that the loglikelihood scale is not directly useful in COVLMC as the differences in model sizes are not constant through the pruning process. As a consequence, this function does not provide mode parameter, contrarily to cutoff.vlmc().

Setting raw to TRUE removes the small perturbation that are subtracted from the log-likelihood ratio values computed from the COVLMC (in quantile scale).

As automated model selection is provided by tune_covlmc(), the direct use of cutoff should be reserved to advanced exploration of the set of trees that can be obtained from a complex one, e.g. to implement model selection techniques that are not provided by tune_covlmc().


a vector of cut off values, NULL if none can be computed


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
m_nocovariate <- vlmc(rdts)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)

Cut off value for pruning a node in the context tree of a VLMC


This function returns the cut off value associated to a specific node in the context tree interpreted as a VLMC. The node is represented by a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts(). For details, see cutoff.vlmc().


## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'
cutoff(model, scale = c("quantile", "native"), raw = FALSE, ...)



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


specify whether the results should be "native" log likelihood ratio values or expressed in a "quantile" scale of a chi-squared distribution (defaults to "quantile").


specify whether the returned values should be limit values computed in the model or modified values that guarantee pruning (see details in cutoff.vlmc())


additional arguments for the cutoff function.


a cut off value

See Also



pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts)
model_ctxs <- contexts(model)
cutoff(model_ctxs[[2]], scale = "native", raw = TRUE)

Cut off values for pruning the context tree of a VLMC


This function returns a collection of cut off values that are guaranteed to induce all valid pruned trees of the context tree of a VLMC. Pruning is implemented by the prune() function.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
  scale = c("quantile", "native"),
  raw = FALSE,
  tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
  scale = c("quantile", "native"),
  raw = FALSE,
  tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,



a fitted VLMC model.


specify whether the results should be "native" log likelihood ratio values or expressed in a "quantile" scale of a chi-squared distribution (defaults to "quantile").


specify whether the returned values should be limit values computed in the model or modified values that guarantee pruning (see details)


specify the minimum separation between two consecutive values of the cut off in native mode (before any transformation). See details.


additional arguments for the cutoff function.


By default, the function returns values that can be used directly to induce pruning in the context tree. This is done by computing the log likelihood ratios used by the context algorithm on the reference VLMC and by keeping the relevant ones. From them the function selects intermediate values that are guaranteed to generate via pruning all the VLMC models that could be generated by using larger values of the cutoff parameter that was used to build the reference model (or smaller values of the alpha parameter in "quantile" scale).

Setting the raw parameter to TRUE removes this operation on the values and asks the function to return the relevant log likelihood ratios.

For large VLMC, some log likelihood ratios can be almost identical, with a difference of the order of the machine epsilon value. The tolerance parameter is used to keep only values that are different enough. This is done in the native scale, before transformations implemented when raw is FALSE.

As automated model selection is provided by tune_vlmc(), the direct use of cutoff should be reserved to advanced exploration of the set of trees that can be obtained from a complex one, e.g. to implement model selection techniques that are not provided by tune_vlmc().


a vector of cut off values.

See Also

prune() and tune_vlmc()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts)
model_cuts <- cutoff(model)
model_2 <- prune(model, model_cuts[2])

Depth of a context tree


This function returns the depth of a context tree, i.e. the length of the longest context represented in the tree.





a context tree.


the depth of the tree.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
## should be 3

Text based representation of a context tree


This function 'draws' a context tree as a text.


draw(ct, format, control = draw_control(), ...)



a context tree.


a character string that specifies the output format of the function. Possible values are "text" (default) and "latex". See details.


a list of low level control parameters of the text representation. See details and draw_control().


additional arguments for draw.


The function uses different text based formats (plain "ascii art" and LaTeX) to represent the context tree. Fine tuning of the representation can be done via the draw_control() function.

In addition to the structure of the context tree, draw() can represent information attached to the nodes (contexts and partial contexts). This is controlled by additional parameters depending on the type of the context tree. In general, parameters given directly to draw() specify what information is represented while details on how this representation is made can be controlled via the control parameter and the associated draw_control() function.


the context tree (invisibly).


The format parameter specifies the format used for the textual output. With the default value "text" the output is produced in "ascii art" using by default only ascii characters (notice that draw_control() can be used to specified non ascii characters, but this is discouraged).

With the latex value, the output is produced in LaTeX, leveraging the forest Latex package (see Each call to draw() produces a full forest LaTeX environment. This can be included as is in a LaTeX document, provided the forest package is loaded in the preamble of the document. The LaTeX output is sanitized to avoid potential problems induced by special characters in the names of the states of the context tree.


rdts <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 10, max_depth = 2)
rdts_c <- sample(c("A", "B", "CD"), 100, replace = TRUE)
ctree_c <- ctx_tree(rdts_c, min_size = 10, max_depth = 2)
draw(ctree_c, control = draw_control(digits = 2))
## LaTeX output
draw(ctree_c, "latex")

Control parameters for draw


This function returns a list used to fine tune the draw() function behaviour.


  digits = 4,
  charset = NULL,
  orientation = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
  tabular = TRUE,
  tab_orientation = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
  decoration = c("none", "rectangle", "circle", "ellipse"),
  fontsize = "normalsize",
  prob_fontsize = "small"



numerical parameters and p-values are represented using the base::signif() function, using the number of significant digits specified with this parameter (defaults to 4).


specifies the characters used for the "ascii art" represention when the format is "text", see details.


specifies the global orientation of the tree, either "vertical" (default) or "horizontal" ("latex").


if TRUE (default value), the "latex" format will use tables for each node, with one row for the state value and other rows for additional information (such as the conditional probability associated to the context). Notice that draw.covlmc() always uses tables regardless of the value of tabular.


specifies the way the models are represented when used by draw.covlmc() ("latex"). The default value is "vertical": this is well adapted to models with long covariate dependencies (see covariate_depth()). The other possible value is "horizontal".


specifies node decoration in the "latex" format, see details.


font size for the state names in the "latex" format (using latex standard font size, default to "normalsize").


font size for the context counts, probabilities or models in the "latex" format (using latex standard font size, defaults to "small").


Parameters are generally specific to the format used for draw(). If this is the case, the format is given at the end of the parameter description. Some parameters are also specific to some functions inheriting from draw().


a list


The LaTeX format ("latex") can "decorate" the nodes of the context tree by drawing borders. We support only basic decorations, but in theory all TikZ possibilities could be used (see the documentation of the forest LaTeX package). Supported decorations:

  • "none": default, no decoration;

  • "rectangle": adds a rectangular border to all nodes;

  • "circle": adds a circular border to all nodes;

  • "ellipse": adds an ellipsoidal border to all nodes.


The "ascii art" format ("text") uses a collection of characters to display a context tree. The default collection is specified by the package option "mixvlmc.charset" and is used when charset=NULL (default value). If charset is set to a character value, this value is used to select the collection in the same way that "mixvlmc.charset" specifies it:

  • "ascii": the collection uses only standard ASCII characters and should be compatible with all environments;

  • "utf8": the collection uses UTF-8 symbols and needs a compatible display.

Finally, charset can a user supplied list of characters as the one returned by charset_ascii() and charset_utf8().

See Also

draw(), charset_ascii() and charset_utf8().


draw_control(digits = 2, tabular = FALSE)

Text based representation of a covlmc model


This function 'draws' a covlmc as a text.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
  control = draw_control(),
  model = c("coef", "full"),
  p_value = FALSE,
  with_state = FALSE,
  constant_as_prob = TRUE,



a fitted covlmc model.


a character string that specifies the output format of the function. Possible values are "text" (default) and "latex". See details.


a list of low level control parameters of the text representation. See details and draw_control().


this parameter controls the display of logistic models associated to nodes (accepted values: "coeff", "full" and NULL). The interpretation of the parameter depends on the format, see below for details.


specifies whether the p-values of the likelihood ratio tests conducted during the covlmc construction must be included in the representation (defaults to FALSE).


specifies whether to display the state associated to each dimension of the logistic model (see details).


specifies how to represent constant logistic models for format="text" (defaults to TRUE, see details). Disregarded when format="latex".


additional arguments for draw.


The function uses different text based formats (plain "ascii art" and LaTeX) to represent the context tree. Fine tuning of the representation can be done via the draw_control() function.

Contrarily to draw() functions adapted to context trees draw.ctx_tree() and VLMC draw.vlmc(), the present function does not try to produce similar results for the "text" format and the "latex" format as the "text" format is intrinsically more limited in terms of model representations. This is detailed below.


The format parameter specifies the format used for the textual output. With the default value "text" the output is produced in "ascii art" using the charset specified by the global option mixvlmc.charset.

With the latex value, the output is produced in LaTeX, leveraging the forest Latex package (see Each call to draw.covlmc() produces a full forest LaTeX environment. This can be included as is in a LaTeX document, provided the forest package is loaded in the preamble of the document. The LaTeX output is sanitized to avoid potential problems induced by special characters in the names of the states of the context tree.

"text" format


When format="text" the parameters are interpreted as follows:

  • model: the default model="coef" represents only the coefficients of the logistic models associated to each context. model="full" includes the name of the variables in the representation. Setting model=NULL removes the model representations. Additional parameters can be used to tweak model representations (see below).

  • constant_as_prob: specifies whether to represent logistic models that do not use covariates (a.k.a. constant models) using the probability distributions they induce on the state space (default behaviour with constant_as_prob=TRUE) or as normal models (when set to FALSE). This is not taken into account when model is not set to "coef".

  • fields of the control list (including the charset):

    • intercept : character(s) used to represent the intercept when model="full"

    • intercept_sep: character(s) used to separate the intercept from the other coefficients in model representation.

    • time_sep: character(s) used to split the coefficients list by blocks associated to time delays in the covariate inclusion into the logistic model. The first block contains the intercept(s), the second block the covariate values a time t-1, the third block at time t-2, etc.

    • level_sep: character(s) used separate levels from model, see below.

    • open_p_value and close_p_value: delimiters used around the p-values when p_value=TRUE

    • open_model and close_model: delimiters around the model when model is not NULL

State representation

When model is not NULL, the coefficients of the logistic models are presented, organized in rows associated to states. One state is used as the reference state and the logistic model aims at predicting the ratio of probability between another state and the reference one (in log scale). When with_state is TRUE, the display includes for each row of coefficients the target state. This is useful when using e.g. VGAM::vglm() as unused levels of the target variable will be automatically dropped from the model, leading to a reduce number of rows. The reference state is either shown on the first row if model is "full" or after the state on each row if model is "coef". States are separated from the model representation by the character(s) specified in level_sep in the control list.

"latex" format


When format="latex" the parameters are interpreted as follows:

  • model: the models are always represented completely in the LaTeX export unless model is set to NULL.

  • constant_as_prob: in the LaTeX export, constant logistic models are always represented by the corresponding probability distribution on the state space, regardless of the value of constant_as_prob.

  • fields of the control list:

    • orientation: specifies the orientation of the tree, either the default "vertical" (expanding from top to bottom) or "horizontal" (expanding from right to left);

    • tab_orientation: specifies the orientation of the tables used to represent model coefficients in the tree, either the default "vertical" (covariates are listed on one column) or "horizontal" (covariates are listed on one row);

    • fontsize and prob_fontsize handle the size of the fonts used for the states and for the models, see draw_control() for details;

    • decoration can be used to add borders around states, see draw_control() for details;

State representation

When model is not NULL, the coefficients of the logistic models are presented, organized in rows or in columns (depending tab_orientation) on associated to states. One state is used as the reference state and the logistic model aims at predicting the ratio of probability between another state and the reference one (in log scale). When with_state is TRUE, the display includes for each row/column of coefficients the target state. The reference state is shown on the first row/column.

Variable representation

When the representation includes the names of the variables used by the logistic models, they are the one generated by the underlying logistic model, e.g. stats::glm(). Numerical variable names are used as is, while factors have levels appended. The intercept is denoted by the intercept member of the control list whenformat="text" (as part of the charset). It is always represented by (I) when format="latex".

When format="text", the time delays are represented by an underscore followed by the time delay. For instance if the model uses the numerical covariate y with two delays, it will appear with two variables y_1 and y_2.

When format="latex", the representation uses a temporal subscript of the form t-1, t-2, etc.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1)))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
draw(m_cov, control = draw_control(digits = 3))
draw(m_cov, model = NULL)
draw(m_cov, p_value = TRUE)
draw(m_cov, p_value = FALSE, control = draw_control(digits = 2))
draw(m_cov, model = "full", control = draw_control(digits = 3))
draw(m_cov, format = "latex", control = draw_control(orientation = "h"))

Text based representation of a context tree


This function 'draws' a context tree as a text.


## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree_cpp'
draw(ct, format, control = draw_control(), frequency = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree'
draw(ct, format, control = draw_control(), frequency = NULL, ...)



a context tree.


a character string that specifies the output format of the function. Possible values are "text" (default) and "latex". See details.


a list of low level control parameters of the text representation. See details and draw_control().


this parameter controls the display of node level information in the tree. The default NULL value does not include anything. Setting frequency to "total" includes the frequency of the (partial) context of the node, while "detailed" includes the frequency of the states that follow the context (as in contexts.ctx_tree()).


additional arguments for draw.


The function uses different text based formats (plain "ascii art" and LaTeX) to represent the context tree. Fine tuning of the representation can be done via the draw_control() function.

In addition to the structure of the context tree, draw() can represent information attached to the nodes (contexts and partial contexts). This is controlled by additional parameters depending on the type of the context tree. In general, parameters given directly to draw() specify what information is represented while details on how this representation is made can be controlled via the control parameter and the associated draw_control() function.


the context tree (invisibly).


The format parameter specifies the format used for the textual output. With the default value "text" the output is produced in "ascii art" using by default only ascii characters (notice that draw_control() can be used to specified non ascii characters, but this is discouraged).

With the latex value, the output is produced in LaTeX, leveraging the forest Latex package (see Each call to draw() produces a full forest LaTeX environment. This can be included as is in a LaTeX document, provided the forest package is loaded in the preamble of the document. The LaTeX output is sanitized to avoid potential problems induced by special characters in the names of the states of the context tree.


rdts_c <- sample(c("A", "B", "CD"), 100, replace = TRUE)
ctree_c <- ctx_tree(rdts_c, min_size = 10, max_depth = 2)
draw(ctree_c, frequency = "total")
draw(ctree_c, frequency = "detailed")
## LaTeX output
draw(ctree_c, "latex", frequency = "detailed")
rdts_c <- sample(c("A$", "_{B", "{C}_{D}"), 100, replace = TRUE)
ctree_c <- ctx_tree(rdts_c, min_size = 10, max_depth = 2)
## the LaTeX output is sanitized
draw(ctree_c, "latex", frequency = "detailed")

Text based representation of a vlmc


This function 'draws' a context tree as a text.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
draw(ct, format, control = draw_control(), prob = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
draw(ct, format, control = draw_control(), prob = TRUE, ...)



a fitted vlmc.


a character string that specifies the output format of the function. Possible values are "text" (default) and "latex". See details.


a list of low level control parameters of the text representation. See details and draw_control().


this parameter controls the display of node level information in the tree. The default prob=TRUE represents the conditional distribution of the states given the (partial) context associated to the node. Setting prob=FALSE replaces the conditional distribution by the frequency of the states that follow the context as in draw.ctx_tree(). Setting prob=NULL removes all additional information.


additional arguments for draw.


The function uses different text based formats (plain "ascii art" and LaTeX) to represent the context tree. Fine tuning of the representation can be done via the draw_control() function.

In addition to the structure of the context tree, draw() can represent information attached to the nodes (contexts and partial contexts). This is controlled by additional parameters depending on the type of the context tree. In general, parameters given directly to draw() specify what information is represented while details on how this representation is made can be controlled via the control parameter and the associated draw_control() function.


the context tree (invisibly).


The format parameter specifies the format used for the textual output. With the default value "text" the output is produced in "ascii art" using by default only ascii characters (notice that draw_control() can be used to specified non ascii characters, but this is discouraged).

With the latex value, the output is produced in LaTeX, leveraging the forest Latex package (see Each call to draw() produces a full forest LaTeX environment. This can be included as is in a LaTeX document, provided the forest package is loaded in the preamble of the document. The LaTeX output is sanitized to avoid potential problems induced by special characters in the names of the states of the context tree.


rdts <- sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 500, replace = TRUE)
model <- vlmc(rdts, alpha = 0.05)
draw(model, prob = FALSE)
draw(model, prob = NULL)

Convert a vector to a discrete time series.


This function creates a representation of a discrete time series that can be further processed by model estimation functions.


dts(x, vals = NULL)



a discrete time series; can be numeric, character, factor or logical.


the set of values that can be taken by the time series, a.k.a. the state space, see details (defaults to NULL)


The discrete time series x can be a vector of numeric, character, factor or logical type. If the state space of the series is not specified, that is when vals is NULL, it is computed in a way that depends on the type of x:

  • for a factor, vals is set to the levels() of x;

  • for a logical vector, vals is set to c(FALSE, TRUE);

  • for other types, vals is set to all the unique values taken by the time series (as returned by sort(unique(x))).

If vals is specified, the function makes sure that x contains only the specified values.


a discrete time series (of class that inherits from dts).


x_dts <- dts(sample(c("A", "B"), 20, replace = TRUE))

Extract the plain discrete time series from a dts object


This function returns a copy of the discrete time series used to build the dts object (see dts()).





a dts object


a vector representing the time seris


raw_dts <- sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 50, replace = TRUE)
odts <- dts(raw_dts)
back_to_raw <- dts_data(odts)
## should be TRUE
identical(raw_dts, back_to_raw)

Find the node of a sequence in a context tree


This function checks whether the sequence ctx is represented in the context tree ct. If this is the case, it returns a description of matching node, an object of class ctx_node. If the sequence is not represented in the tree, the function return NULL.


find_sequence(ct, ctx, reverse = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree'
find_sequence(ct, ctx, reverse = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree_cpp'
find_sequence(ct, ctx, reverse = FALSE, ...)



a context tree.


a sequence to search in the context tree


specifies whether the sequence ctx is given the temporal order (FALSE, default value) or in the reverse temporal order (TRUE). See the dedicated section.


additional parameters for the find_sequence function


The function looks for sequences in general. The is_context() function can be used on the resulting object to test if the sequence is in addition a proper context.


an object of class ctx_node if the sequence ctx is represented in the context tree, NULL when this is not the case.

State order in a sequence

sequence are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. In the present function, reverse refers both to the order used for the ctx parameter and for the default order used by the resulting ctx_node object.


rdts <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "A")
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3)
find_sequence(rdts_tree, "A")
## returns NULL as "A" "C" does not appear in rdts
find_sequence(rdts_tree, c("A", "C"))

Find the node of a sequence in a COVLMC context tree


This function checks whether the sequence ctx is represented in the context tree of the COVLMC model ct. If this is the case, it returns a description of matching node, an object of class ctx_node_covlmc. If the sequence is not represented in the tree, the function return NULL.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
find_sequence(ct, ctx, reverse = FALSE, ...)



a context tree.


a sequence to search in the context tree


specifies whether the sequence ctx is given the temporal order (FALSE, default value) or in the reverse temporal order (TRUE). See the dedicated section.


additional parameters for the find_sequence function


The function looks for sequences in general. The is_context() function can be used on the resulting object to test if the sequence is in addition a proper context.


an object of class ctx_node_covlmc if the sequence ctx is represented in the context tree, NULL when this is not the case

State order in a sequence

sequence are given by default in the temporal order and not in the "reverse" order used by many VLMC research papers: older values are on the left. For instance, the context c(1, 0) is reported if the sequence 0, then 1 appeared in the time series used to build the context tree. In the present function, reverse refers both to the order used for the ctx parameter and for the default order used by the resulting ctx_node object.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 10)

## not in the tree
vals <- states(m_cov)
find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[2], vals[2]))
## in the tree but not a context
node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1]))
## in the tree and a context
node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1], vals[1]))

Significant Earthquake Dataset


A data set containing Earthquake that have occured during the period of 1900-2022 with GPS coordinates and magnitudes.




A data frame with 98785 rows and 12 variables:


Date and time in POSIXct format


latitude of the earthquake, from -90° to 90°


longitude of the earthquake, from -180° to 180°


the magnitude of the earthquake, indicating its strenth


date when the seisme occured


number of weeks since 1900/01/01




month of the year


day of the month


week number


day of the week from 1 = Sunday to 7 = Saturday


day of the year from 1 to 366


This is a compiled version of the full data set available on U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Events (USGS) which is in the public domain.

The data set contains only the earthquake between 1900 and 2022 with a magnitude higher than 5.


Earthquake Catalog, U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior.

Report the nature of a node in a context tree


This function returns TRUE if the node is a proper context, FALSE in the other case.





a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


TRUE if the node node is a proper context, FALSE when this is not the case


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
## 0, 0 is a context but 1, 0 is not
is_context(find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0)))
is_context(find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(1, 0)))

Test if the object is a covlmc model


This function returns TRUE for VLMC models with covariates and FALSE for other objects.





an R object.


TRUE for VLMC models with covariates.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
# should be true
# should be true
# should be false

Test if the object is a context tree


This function returns TRUE for context trees and FALSE for other objects.





an R object.


TRUE for context trees.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 2)

Test if the object is a discrete time series


This function returns TRUE for discrete time series and FALSE for other objects.





an R object.


TRUE for discrete time series.


pre_dts <- sample(c("A", "B"), 20, replace = TRUE)
x_dts <- dts(pre_dts)

Merging status of a COVLMC context


The function returns TRUE if the context represented by this node is merged with at least another one and FALSE if this is not the case.





A ctx_node_covlmc object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts.covlmc()


When a COVLMC is built on a time series with at least three distinct states, some contexts can be merged: they use the same logistic model, leading to a more parsimonious model. Those contexts are reported individually by functions such as contexts.covlmc(). The present function can be used to detect such merging, while merged_with() can be used to recover the other contexts.


TRUE or FALSE, depending on the nature of the context

See Also



pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 15, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 8))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5, alpha = 0.1)
ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
## no merging
sapply(ctxs, is_merged)

Report the ordering convention of the node


This function returns TRUE if the node is using a reverse temporal ordering and FALSE in the other case.





a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


TRUE if the node node use a reverse temporal ordering, FALSE when this is not the case

See Also



rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
is_reversed(find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0)))
is_reversed(find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(1, 0), reverse = TRUE))

Test if the object is a vlmc model


This function returns TRUE for VLMC models and FALSE for other objects.





an R object.


TRUE for VLMC models.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts)
# should be true
# should be true
# should be false

Log-Likelihood of a VLMC with covariates


This function evaluates the log-likelihood of a VLMC with covariates fitted on a discrete time series.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
logLik(object, initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"), ...)



the covlmc representation.


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. Defaults to "truncated". See loglikelihood() for details.


additional parameters for logLik.


an object of class logLik. This is a number, the log-likelihood of the (CO)VLMC with the following attributes:

  • df: the number of parameters used by the VLMC for this likelihood calculation

  • nobs: the number of observations included in this likelihood calculation

  • initial: the value of the initial parameter used to compute this likelihood

See Also



## Likelihood for a fitted VLMC with covariates.
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
ll <- logLik(m_cov)

Log-Likelihood of a VLMC


This function evaluates the log-likelihood of a VLMC fitted on a discrete time series.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
logLik(object, initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
logLik(object, initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"), ...)



the vlmc representation.


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. Defaults to "truncated". See loglikelihood() for details.


additional parameters for logLik.


an object of class logLik. This is a number, the log-likelihood of the (CO)VLMC with the following attributes:

  • df: the number of parameters used by the VLMC for this likelihood calculation

  • nobs: the number of observations included in this likelihood calculation

  • initial: the value of the initial parameter used to compute this likelihood

See Also



pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
m_nocovariate <- vlmc(rdts)
ll <- logLik(m_nocovariate)

Log-Likelihood of a VLMC


This function evaluates the log-likelihood of a VLMC fitted on a discrete time series. When the optional argument newdata is provided, the function evaluates instead the log-likelihood for this (new) discrete time series.


  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),

## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),



the vlmc representation.


an optional object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series (for instance a dts object).


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. Defaults to "truncated". See below for details.


specifies the number of initial values for which the loglikelihood will not be computed. The minimal number depends on the likelihood function as detailed below.


additional parameters for loglikelihood.


The definition of the likelihood function depends on the value of the initial parameters, see the section below as well as the dedicated vignette: vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc").

For VLMC objects, the method loglikelihood.vlmc will be used. For VLMC with covariables, loglikelihood.covlmc will instead be called. For more informations on loglikelihood methods, use methods(loglikelihood) and their associated documentation.


an object of class logLikMixVLMC and logLik. This is a number, the log-likelihood of the (CO)VLMC with the following attributes:

  • df: the number of parameters used by the VLMC for this likelihood calculation

  • nobs: the number of observations included in this likelihood calculation

  • initial: the value of the initial parameter used to compute this likelihood

likelihood calculation

In a (CO)VLMC of depth()=k, we need k past values in order to compute the context of a given observation. As a consequence, in a time series x, the contexts of x[1] to x[k] are unknown. Depending on the value of initial different likelihood functions are used to tackle this difficulty:

  • initial=="truncated": the likelihood is computed using only x[(k+1):length(x)]

  • initial=="specific": the likelihood is computed on the full time series using a specific context for the initial values, x[1] to x[k]. Each of the specific context is unique, leading to a perfect likelihood of 1 (0 in log scale). Thus the numerical value of the likelihood is identical as the one obtained with initial=="truncated" but it is computed on length(x) with a model with more parameters than in this previous case.

  • initial=="extended" (default): the likelihood is computed on the full time series using an extended context matching for the initial values, x[1] to x[k]. This can be seen as a compromised between the two other possibilities: the relaxed context matching needs in general to turn internal nodes of the context tree into actual context, increasing the number of parameters, but not as much as with "specific". However, the likelihood of say x[1] with an empty context is generally not 1 and thus the full likelihood is smaller than the one computed with "specific".

In all cases, the ignore first values of the time series are not included in the computed likelihood, but still used to compute contexts. If ignore is not specified, it is set to the minimal possible value, that is k for the truncated likelihood and 0 for the other ones. If it is specified, it must be larger or equal to k for truncated.

See the dedicated vignette for a more mathematically oriented discussion: vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc").

See Also



## Likelihood for a fitted VLMC.
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
m_nocovariate <- vlmc(rdts)
ll <- loglikelihood(m_nocovariate)
attr(ll, "nobs")
attr(ll, "df")

## Likelihood for a new time series with previously fitted VLMC.
pc_new <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 11, ]
rdts_new <- cut(pc_new$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
ll_new <- loglikelihood(m_nocovariate, newdata = rdts_new)
ll_new_specific <- loglikelihood(m_nocovariate, initial = "specific", newdata = rdts_new)
ll_new_extended <- loglikelihood(m_nocovariate, initial = "extended", newdata = rdts_new)

Log-Likelihood of a VLMC with covariates


This function evaluates the log-likelihood of a VLMC with covariates fitted on a discrete time series. When the optional arguments newdata is provided, the function evaluates instead the log-likelihood for this (new) discrete time series on the new covariates which must be provided through the newcov parameter.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),



the covlmc representation.


an optional object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series (for instance a dts object).


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. Defaults to "truncated". See below for details.


specifies the number of initial values for which the loglikelihood will not be computed. The minimal number depends on the likelihood function as detailed below.


an optional data frame with the new values for the covariates.


additional parameters for loglikelihood.


The definition of the likelihood function depends on the value of the initial parameters, see the section below as well as the dedicated vignette: vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc").


an object of class logLikMixVLMC and logLik. This is a number, the log-likelihood of the (CO)VLMC with the following attributes:

  • df: the number of parameters used by the VLMC for this likelihood calculation

  • nobs: the number of observations included in this likelihood calculation

  • initial: the value of the initial parameter used to compute this likelihood

likelihood calculation

In a (CO)VLMC of depth()=k, we need k past values in order to compute the context of a given observation. As a consequence, in a time series x, the contexts of x[1] to x[k] are unknown. Depending on the value of initial different likelihood functions are used to tackle this difficulty:

  • initial=="truncated": the likelihood is computed using only x[(k+1):length(x)]

  • initial=="specific": the likelihood is computed on the full time series using a specific context for the initial values, x[1] to x[k]. Each of the specific context is unique, leading to a perfect likelihood of 1 (0 in log scale). Thus the numerical value of the likelihood is identical as the one obtained with initial=="truncated" but it is computed on length(x) with a model with more parameters than in this previous case.

  • initial=="extended" (default): the likelihood is computed on the full time series using an extended context matching for the initial values, x[1] to x[k]. This can be seen as a compromised between the two other possibilities: the relaxed context matching needs in general to turn internal nodes of the context tree into actual context, increasing the number of parameters, but not as much as with "specific". However, the likelihood of say x[1] with an empty context is generally not 1 and thus the full likelihood is smaller than the one computed with "specific".

In all cases, the ignore first values of the time series are not included in the computed likelihood, but still used to compute contexts. If ignore is not specified, it is set to the minimal possible value, that is k for the truncated likelihood and 0 for the other ones. If it is specified, it must be larger or equal to k for truncated.

See the dedicated vignette for a more mathematically oriented discussion: vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc").

See Also



## Likelihood for a fitted VLMC with covariates.
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
ll <- loglikelihood(m_cov)
attr(ll, "nobs")

## Likelihood for new time series and covariates with previously
## fitted VLMC with covariates
pc_new <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 11, ]
rdts_new <- cut(pc_new$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
rdts_cov_new <- data.frame(day_night = (pc_new$hour >= 7 & pc_new$hour <= 17))
ll_new <- loglikelihood(m_cov, newdata = rdts_new, newcov = rdts_cov_new)

Merged contexts in a COVLMC


The function returns NULL when the context represented by the node parameter is not merged with another context (see is_merged()). In the other case, it returns a list of contexts with which this one is merged.





A ctx_node_covlmc object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts.covlmc()


If the context is merged, the function returns a list with one value for each element in the state space (see states()). The value is NULL if the corresponding context is not merged with the node context, while it is a ctx_node_covlmc object in the other case. A context merged with node differs from the context represented by node only in its last value (in temporal order) which is used as its name in the list. For instance, if the context ABC is merged only with CBC (when represented in temporal ordering), then the resulting list is of the form list("A" = NULL, "B" = NULL, "C"= ctx_node_covlmc(CBX)).


NULL or a list of contexts merged with node represented by ctx_node_covlmc objects

See Also



pc_week_15_16 <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% c(15, 16), ]
elec <- pc_week_15_16$active_power
elec_rdts <- cut(elec, breaks = c(0, 0.4, 2, 8), labels = c("low", "typical", "high"))
elec_cov <- data.frame(day = (pc_week_15_16$hour >= 7 & pc_week_15_16$hour <= 18))
elec_tune <- tune_covlmc(elec_rdts, elec_cov, min_size = 5)
elec_model <- prune(as_covlmc(elec_tune), alpha = 3.961e-10)
ctxs <- contexts(elec_model)
for (ctx in ctxs) {
  if (is_merged(ctx)) {
    cat("\nis merged with\n\n")

Predictive quality metrics for context based models


This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for context based models such as VLMC and VLMC with covariates.


metrics(model, ...)



The context based model on which to compute predictive metrics.


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


A context based model computes transition probabilities for its contexts. Using a maximum transition probability decision rule, this can be used to predict the new state that is the more likely to follow the current one, given the context (see predict.vlmc()). The quality of these predictions is evaluated using standard metrics including:

  • accuracy

  • the full confusion matrix

  • the area under the roc curve (AUC), considering the context based model as a (conditional) probability estimator. We use Hand and Till (2001) multiclass AUC in case of a state space with more than 2 states


The returned value is guaranteed to have at least three components

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171–186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831.

See Also

metrics.vlmc(), metrics.ctx_node(), contexts.vlmc(), predict.vlmc().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
model <- vlmc(rdts)

Predictive quality metrics for VLMC with covariates


This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for context based models such as VLMC and VLMC with covariates.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
metrics(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metrics.covlmc'
print(x, ...)



The context based model on which to compute predictive metrics.


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


A metrics.covlmc object, results of a call to metrics.covlmc()


A context based model computes transition probabilities for its contexts. Using a maximum transition probability decision rule, this can be used to predict the new state that is the more likely to follow the current one, given the context (see predict.vlmc()). The quality of these predictions is evaluated using standard metrics including:

  • accuracy

  • the full confusion matrix

  • the area under the roc curve (AUC), considering the context based model as a (conditional) probability estimator. We use Hand and Till (2001) multiclass AUC in case of a state space with more than 2 states


An object of class metrics.covlmc with the following components:

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model

The object has a print method that recalls basic information about the model together with the values of the components above.

Methods (by generic)

  • print(metrics.covlmc): Prints the predictive metrics of the VLMC model with covariates.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.covlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a COVLMC with a non zero order. In order to predict something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.covlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All covlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171–186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831.

See Also

metrics.vlmc(), metrics.ctx_node(), contexts.vlmc(), predict.vlmc().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)

Predictive quality metrics for a node of a context tree


This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for a node (ctx_node) extracted from a context tree.


## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'
metrics(model, ...)



T ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence().


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


Compared to metrics.vlmc(), this function focuses on a single context and assesses the quality of its predictions, disregarding observations that have other contexts. Apart from this limited scope, the function operates as metrics.vlmc().


The returned value is guaranteed to have at least three components

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171–186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831.

See Also

metrics.vlmc(), metrics.ctx_node(), contexts.vlmc(), predict.vlmc().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts)
model_ctxs <- contexts(model)

Predictive quality metrics for a node of a COVLMC context tree


This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for a node (ctx_node_covlmc) extracted from a covlmc


## S3 method for class 'ctx_node_covlmc'
metrics(model, ...)



A ctx_node_covlmc object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts.covlmc()


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


Compared to metrics.covlmc(), this function focuses on a single context and assesses the quality of its predictions, disregarding observations that have other contexts. Apart from this limited scope, the function operates as metrics.covlmc().


an object of class metrics.covlmc with the following components:

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171–186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831.

See Also

metrics.vlmc(), metrics.ctx_node(), contexts.vlmc(), predict.vlmc().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
m_ctxs <- contexts(m_cov)
## get the predictive metrics for each context
lapply(m_ctxs, metrics)

Predictive quality metrics for VLMC


This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for context based models such as VLMC and VLMC with covariates.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
metrics(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metrics.vlmc'
print(x, ...)



The context based model on which to compute predictive metrics.


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


A metrics.vlmc object, results of a call to metrics.vlmc()


A context based model computes transition probabilities for its contexts. Using a maximum transition probability decision rule, this can be used to predict the new state that is the more likely to follow the current one, given the context (see predict.vlmc()). The quality of these predictions is evaluated using standard metrics including:

  • accuracy

  • the full confusion matrix

  • the area under the roc curve (AUC), considering the context based model as a (conditional) probability estimator. We use Hand and Till (2001) multiclass AUC in case of a state space with more than 2 states


An object of class metrics.vlmc with the following components:

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model

The object has a print method that recalls basic information about the model together with the values of the components above.

Methods (by generic)

  • print(metrics.vlmc): Prints the predictive metrics of the VLMC model.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.vlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a VLMC with a non zero order. In order to predict something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.vlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All vlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171–186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831.

See Also

metrics.vlmc(), metrics.ctx_node(), contexts.vlmc(), predict.vlmc().


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
model <- vlmc(rdts)

Logistic model of a COVLMC context


This function returns a representation of the logistic model associated to a COVLMC context from its node in the associated context tree.


model(node, type = c("coef", "full"))



A ctx_node_covlmc object as returned by find_sequence() or contexts.covlmc()


specifies the model information to return, either the coefficients only (type="coef" default case) or the full model object (type="full")


Full model extraction is only possible if the COVLMC model what not fully trimmed (see trim.covlmc()). Notice that find_sequence.covlmc() can produce node that are not context: in this case this function return NULL.


if node is a context, the coefficients of the logistic model (as a vector or a matrix depending on the size of the state space) or a logistic model as a R object. If node is not a context, NULL.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 10)
vals <- states(m_cov)
node <- find_sequence(m_cov, c(vals[1], vals[1]))
model(node, type = "full")

Find the parent of a node in a context tree


This function returns the parent node of the node represented by the node parameter. The result is NULL if node is the root node of its context tree (representing the empty sequence).



## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'

## S3 method for class 'ctx_node_cpp'



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


Each node of a context tree represents a sequence. When find_sequence() is called with success, the returned object represents the corresponding node in the context tree. Unless the original sequence is empty, this node has a parent node which is returned as a ctx_node object by the present function. Another interpretation is that the function returns the node object associated to the sequence obtained by removing the oldest value from the original sequence.


a ctx_node object if node does correspond to the empty sequence or NULL when this is not the case


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3)
ctx_00 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0))
## the parent sequence/node corresponds to the 0 context
identical(parent(ctx_00), find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0)))
## C++ backend
rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 3, backend = "C++")
ctx_00 <- find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0, 0))
## the parent sequence/node corresponds to the 0 context
identical(parent(ctx_00), find_sequence(rdts_ctree, c(0)))

Plot the results of automatic (CO)VLMC complexity selection


This function plots the results of tune_vlmc() or tune_covlmc().


## S3 method for class 'tune_vlmc'
  value = c("criterion", "likelihood"),
  cutoff = c("quantile", "native"),

## S3 method for class 'tune_covlmc'
  value = c("criterion", "likelihood"),
  cutoff = c("quantile", "native"),



a tune_vlmc object


the criterion to plot (default "criterion").


the scale used for the cut off criterion (default "quantile")


additional parameters passed to base::plot()


The standard plot consists in showing the evolution of the criterion used to select the model (AIC() or BIC()) as a function of the cut off criterion expressed in the quantile scale (the quantile is used by default to offer a common default behaviour between vlmc() and covlmc()). Parameters can be used to display instead the loglikelihood() of the model (by setting value="likelihood") and to use the native scale for the cut off when available (by setting cutoff="native").


the tune_vlmc object invisibly


The function sets several default before calling base::plot(), namely:

  • type: "l" by default to use a line representation;

  • xlab: "Cut off (quantile scale)" by default, adapted to the actual scale;

  • ylab: the name of the criterion or "Log likelihood".

These parameters can be overridden by specifying other values when calling the function. All parameters specified in addition to x, value and cutoff are passed to base::plot().


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
tune_result <- tune_vlmc(rdts)
## default plot
## likelihood
plot(tune_result, value = "likelihood")
## parameters overriding
  value = "likelihood",
  xlab = "Cut off", type = "b"
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 10:12, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
rdts_best_model_tune <- tune_covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, criterion = "AIC")
plot(rdts_best_model_tune, value = "likelihood")

Report the positions of a sequence associated to a node


This function returns the positions of the sequence represented by node in the time series used to build the context tree in which the sequence is represented. This is only possible is those positions were saved during the construction of the context tree. In positions were not saved, a call to this function produces an error.



## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'

## S3 method for class 'ctx_node_cpp'



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


A position of a sequence ctx in the time series x is an index value t such that the sequence ends with x[t]. Thus x[t+1] is after the context. For instance if x=c(0, 0, 1, 1) and ctx=c(0, 1) (in standard state order), then the position of ctx in x is 3.


positions of the sequence represented by node is the original time series as a integer vector


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3, min_size = 5)
subseq <- find_sequence(rdts_tree, factor(c("B", "A"), levels = c("A", "B", "C")))
if (!is.null(subseq)) {

Individual household electric power consumption


A data set containing measurements of the electric power consumption of one household with a time resolution of 10 minutes for the full year of 2008.




A data frame with 52704 rows and 15 variables:


month of 2008


day of the month


hour (0 to 23)


starting minute of the 10 minutes period of this row


global average active power on the 10 minute period (in kilowatt)


global average reactive power on the 10 minute period (in kilowatt)


Average voltage on the 10 minute period (in volt)


global average current intensity on the 10 minute period (in ampere)


energy sub-metering No. 1 (in watt-hour of active energy averaged over the 10 minute period). It corresponds to the kitchen, containing mainly a dishwasher, an oven and a microwave (hot plates are not electric but gas powered)


energy sub-metering No. 2 (in watt-hour of active energy averaged over the 10 minute period). It corresponds to the laundry room, containing a washing-machine, a tumble-drier, a refrigerator and a light.


energy sub-metering No. 3 (in watt-hour of active energy averaged over the 10 minute period). It corresponds to an electric water-heater and an air-conditioner.


week number


day of the week from 1 = Sunday to 7 = Saturday


day of the year from 1 to 366 (2008 is a leap year)


Date and time in POSIXct format


This is a simplified version of the full data available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, and provided by Georges Hebrail and Alice Berard.

The original data have been averaged over a 10 minute time period (discarding missing data in each period). The data set contains only the measurements from year 2008.

Notice that the different variables are expressed in the adapted units. In particular, the sub-meters are measuring active energy (in watt-hour) while the global active power is expressed in kilowatt.


Individual household electric power consumption, 2012, G. Hebrail and A. Berard, UC Irvine Machine Learning repository. doi:10.24432/C58K54

Next state prediction in a discrete time series for a VLMC with covariates


This function computes one step ahead predictions for a discrete time series based on a VLMC with covariates.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
  type = c("raw", "probs"),
  final_pred = TRUE,



a fitted covlmc object.


a time series adapted to the covlmc object.


a data frame with the new values for the covariates.


character indicating the type of prediction required. The default "raw" returns actual predictions in the form of a new time series. The alternative "probs" returns a matrix of prediction probabilities (see details).


if TRUE (default value), the predictions include a final prediction step, made by computing the context of the full time series. When FALSE this final prediction is not included.


additional arguments.


Given a time series X, at time step t, a context is computed using observations from X[1] to X[t-1] (see the dedicated section). The prediction is then the most probable state for X[t] given this logistic model of the context and the corresponding values of the covariates. The time series of predictions is returned by the function when type="raw" (default case).

When type="probs", the function returns of the probabilities of each state for X[t] as estimated by the logistic models. Those probabilities are returned as a matrix of probabilities with column names given by the state names.


A vector of predictions if type="raw" or a matrix of state probabilities if type="probs".

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.covlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a COVLMC with a non zero order. In order to predict something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.covlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All covlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 10, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.2, 0.7, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5, alpha = 0.5)
rdts_probs <- predict(m_cov, rdts[1:144], rdts_cov[1:144, , drop = FALSE], type = "probs")
rdts_preds <- predict(m_cov, rdts[1:144], rdts_cov[1:144, , drop = FALSE],
  type = "raw", final_pred = FALSE

Next state prediction in a discrete time series for a VLMC


This function computes one step ahead predictions for a discrete time series based on a VLMC.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
predict(object, newdata, type = c("raw", "probs"), final_pred = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
predict(object, newdata, type = c("raw", "probs"), final_pred = TRUE, ...)



a fitted vlmc object.


a time series adapted to the vlmc object.


character indicating the type of prediction required. The default "raw" returns actual predictions in the form of a new time series. The alternative "probs" returns a matrix of prediction probabilities (see details).


if TRUE (default value), the predictions include a final prediction step, made by computing the context of the full time series. When FALSE this final prediction is not included.


additional arguments.


Given a time series X, at time step t, a context is computed using observations from X[1] to X[t-1] (see the dedicated section). The prediction is then the most probable state for X[t] given this contexts. Ties are broken according to the natural order in the state space, favouring "small" values. The time series of predictions is returned by the function when type="raw" (default case).

When type="probs", each X[t] is associated to the conditional probabilities of the next state given the context. Those probabilities are returned as a matrix of probabilities with column names given by the state names.


A vector of predictions if type="raw" or a matrix of state probabilities if type="probs".

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.vlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a VLMC with a non zero order. In order to predict something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.vlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All vlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 5)
predict(model, rdts[1:5])
predict(model, rdts[1:5], "probs")
## C++ backend
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 5, backend = "C++")
predict(model, rdts[1:5])
predict(model, rdts[1:5], "probs")

Print a context list


This function prints a list of contexts i.e. a contexts object listing ctx_node objects.


## S3 method for class 'contexts'
print(x, reverse = TRUE, ...)



the contexts object to print


specifies whether the contexts should be reported in temporal order (FALSE, default value) or in reverse temporal order (TRUE). If the parameter is not specified, the contexts are displayed in order specified by the call to contexts() used to build the context list.


additional arguments for the print function.


the x object, invisibly

See Also



rdts <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "A")
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3)

Print a discrete time series


This function prints a discrete time series.


## S3 method for class 'dts'
print(x, n = 5, ...)



the dts object to print


the number of time steps of time series to print (defaults to 5)


additional arguments for the print function.


the x object, invisibly


x_dts <- dts(sample(c("A", "B"), 20, replace = TRUE))
print(x_dts, n = 10)

Prune a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This function prunes a VLMC.


prune(vlmc, alpha = 0.05, cutoff = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
prune(vlmc, alpha = 0.05, cutoff = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
prune(vlmc, alpha = 0.05, cutoff = NULL, ...)



a fitted VLMC model.


number in (0,1] (default: 0.05) cut off value in quantile scale for pruning.


positive number: cut off value in native (log likelihood ratio) scale for pruning. Defaults to the value obtained from alpha. Takes precedence over alpha if specified.


additional arguments for the prune function.


In general, pruning a VLMC is more efficient than constructing two VLMC (the base one and pruned one). Up to numerical instabilities, building a VLMC with a a cut off and then pruning it with a b cut off (with a>b) should produce the same VLMC than building directly the VLMC with a b cut off. Interesting cut off values can be extracted from a VLMC using the cutoff() function.

As automated model selection is provided by tune_vlmc(), the direct use of cutoff should be reserved to advanced exploration of the set of trees that can be obtained from a complex one, e.g. to implement model selection techniques that are not provided by tune_vlmc().


a pruned VLMC

See Also

cutoff() and tune_vlmc()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
base_model <- vlmc(rdts, alpha = 0.1)
model_cuts <- cutoff(base_model)
pruned_model <- prune(base_model, model_cuts[3])
direct_simple <- vlmc(rdts, alpha = model_cuts[3])
# pruned_model and direct_simple should be identical
all.equal(pruned_model, direct_simple)

Prune a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates


This function prunes a vlmc with covariates. This model must have been estimated with keep_data=TRUE to enable the pruning.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
prune(vlmc, alpha = 0.05, cutoff = NULL, ...)



a fitted VLMC model with covariates.


number in (0,1) (default: 0.05) cutoff value in quantile scale for pruning.


not supported by the vlmc with covariates.


additional arguments for the prune function.


Post pruning a VLMC with covariates is not as straightforward as the same procedure applied to vlmc() (see cutoff.vlmc() and prune.vlmc()). For efficiency reasons, covlmc() estimates only the logistic models that are considered useful for a given set construction parameters. With a more aggressive pruning threshold, some contexts become leaves of the context tree and new logistic models must be estimated. Thus the pruning opportunities given by cutoff.covlmc() are only a subset of interesting cut offs for a given covlmc.

Nevertheless, covlmc share with vlmc() the principle that post pruning a covlmc should give the same model as buidling directly the covlmc, provided that the post pruning alpha is smaller than the alpha used to build the initial model.


a pruned covlmc.


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5, keep_data = TRUE)
m_cov_cuts <- cutoff(m_cov)
p_cov <- prune(m_cov, m_cov_cuts[1])

Reverse Sequence


This function reverses the order in which the sequence represented by the ctx_node parameter will be reported in other functions, mainly as_sequence().


## S3 method for class 'ctx_node'



a ctx_node object as returned by find_sequence()


a ctx_node using the opposite ordering convention as the parameter of the function

See Also



rdts <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "A")
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 3)
res <- find_sequence(rdts_tree, c("A", "B"))
r_res <- rev(res)

Simulate a discrete time series for a covlmc


This function simulates a time series from the distribution estimated by the given covlmc object.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, covariate, init = NULL, ...)



a fitted covlmc object.


length of the simulated time series (defaults to 1).


an optional random seed (see the dedicated section).


values of the covariates.


an optional initial sequence for the time series given by an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series.


additional arguments.


A VLMC with covariates model needs covariates to compute its transition probabilities. The covariates must be submitted as a data frame using the covariate argument. In addition, the time series can be initiated by a fixed sequence specified via the init parameter.


a simulated discrete time series of the same type as the one used to build the covlmc with a seed attribute (see the Random seed section). The results has also the dts_simulated class to hide the seed attribute when using print or similar function.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.covlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a COVLMC with a non zero order. In order to simulate something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.covlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All covlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.

Random seed

This function reproduce the behaviour of stats::simulate(). If seed is NULL the function does not change the random generator state and returns the value of .Random.seed as a seed attribute in the return value. This can be used to reproduce exactly the simulation results by setting .Random.seed to this value. Notice that if the random seed has not be initialised by R so far, the function issues a call to runif(1) to perform this initialisation (as is done in stats::simulate()).

It seed is an integer, it is used in a call to set.seed() before the simulation takes place. The integer is saved as a seed attribute in the return value. The integer seed is completed by an attribute kind which contains the value ⁠as.list([RNGkind()])⁠ exactly as with stats::simulate(). The random generator state is reset to its original value at the end of the call.

See Also

stats::simulate() for details and examples on the random number generator setting


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 5)
# new week with day light from 6:00 to 18:00
new_cov <- data.frame(day_night = rep(c(rep(FALSE, 59), rep(TRUE, 121), rep(FALSE, 60)), times = 7))
new_rdts <- simulate(m_cov, nrow(new_cov), seed = 0, covariate = new_cov)
new_rdts_2 <- simulate(m_cov, nrow(new_cov), seed = 0, covariate = new_cov, init = rdts[1:10])

Simulate a discrete time series for a vlmc


This function simulates a time series from the distribution estimated by the given vlmc object.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
simulate(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, init = NULL, burnin = 0L, ...)



a fitted vlmc object.


length of the simulated time series (defaults to 1).


an optional random seed (see the dedicated section).


an optional initial sequence for the time series given by an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series.


number of initial observations to discard or "auto" (see the dedicated section).


additional arguments.


The time series can be initiated by a fixed sequence specified via the init parameter.


a simulated discrete time series of the same type as the one used to build the vlmc with a seed attribute (see the Random seed section). The results has also the dts_simulated class to hide the seed attribute when using print or similar function.

Burn in (Warm up) period

When using a VLMC for simulation purposes, we are generally interested in the stationary distribution of the corresponding Markov chain. To reduce the dependence of the samples from the initial values and get closer to this stationary distribution (if it exists), it is recommended to discard the first samples which are produced in a so-called "burn in" (or "warm up") period. The burnin parameter can be used to implement this approach. The VLMC is used to produce a sample of size burnin + nsim but the first burnin values are discarded. Notice that this burn in values can be partially given by the init parameter if it is specified.

If burnin is set to "auto", the burnin period is set to 64 * context_number(object), following the heuristic proposed in Mächler and Bühlmann (2004).

Random seed

This function reproduce the behaviour of stats::simulate(). If seed is NULL the function does not change the random generator state and returns the value of .Random.seed as a seed attribute in the return value. This can be used to reproduce exactly the simulation results by setting .Random.seed to this value. Notice that if the random seed has not be initialised by R so far, the function issues a call to runif(1) to perform this initialisation (as is done in stats::simulate()).

It seed is an integer, it is used in a call to set.seed() before the simulation takes place. The integer is saved as a seed attribute in the return value. The integer seed is completed by an attribute kind which contains the value ⁠as.list([RNGkind()])⁠ exactly as with stats::simulate(). The random generator state is reset to its original value at the end of the call.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.vlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a VLMC with a non zero order. In order to simulate something meaningful for those values when init is not provided, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.vlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All vlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


Mächler, M. and Bühlmann, P. (2004) "Variable Length Markov Chains: Methodology, Computing, and Software" Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13 (2), 435-455, doi:10.1198/1061860043524

See Also

stats::simulate() for details and examples on the random number generator setting


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 5)
new_rdts <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0)
new_rdts_2 <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0, init = rdts[1:5])
new_rdts_3 <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0, burnin = 500)

Simulate a discrete time series for a vlmc


This function simulates a time series from the distribution estimated by the given vlmc object.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
  nsim = 1,
  seed = NULL,
  init = NULL,
  burnin = 0L,
  sample = c("fast", "slow", "R"),



a fitted vlmc object.


length of the simulated time series (defaults to 1).


an optional random seed (see the dedicated section).


an optional initial sequence for the time series given by an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series.


number of initial observations to discard or "auto" (see the dedicated section).


specifies which implementation of base::sample() to use. See the dedicated section.


additional arguments.


The time series can be initiated by a fixed sequence specified via the init parameter.


a simulated discrete time series of the same type as the one used to build the vlmc with a seed attribute (see the Random seed section). The results has also the dts_simulated class to hide the seed attribute when using print or similar function.

sampling method

The R backend for vlmc() uses base::sample() to generate samples for each context. Internally, this function sorts the probabilities of each state in decreasing probability order (among other things), which is not needed in our case. The C++ backend can be used with three different implementations:

  • sample="fast" uses a dedicated C++ implementation adapted to the data structures used internally. In general, the simulated time series obtained with this implementation will be different from the one generated with the R backend, even using the same seed.

  • sample="slow" uses another C++ implementation that mimics base::sample() in order to maximize the chance to provide identical simulation results regardless of the backend (when using the same random seed). This process is not perfect as we use the std::lib sort algorithm which is not guaranteed to give identical results as the ones of R internal 'revsort'.

  • sample="R" uses direct calls to base::sample(). Results are guaranteed to be identical between the two backends, but at the price of higher running time.

Burn in (Warm up) period

When using a VLMC for simulation purposes, we are generally interested in the stationary distribution of the corresponding Markov chain. To reduce the dependence of the samples from the initial values and get closer to this stationary distribution (if it exists), it is recommended to discard the first samples which are produced in a so-called "burn in" (or "warm up") period. The burnin parameter can be used to implement this approach. The VLMC is used to produce a sample of size burnin + nsim but the first burnin values are discarded. Notice that this burn in values can be partially given by the init parameter if it is specified.

If burnin is set to "auto", the burnin period is set to 64 * context_number(object), following the heuristic proposed in Mächler and Bühlmann (2004).

Random seed

This function reproduce the behaviour of stats::simulate(). If seed is NULL the function does not change the random generator state and returns the value of .Random.seed as a seed attribute in the return value. This can be used to reproduce exactly the simulation results by setting .Random.seed to this value. Notice that if the random seed has not be initialised by R so far, the function issues a call to runif(1) to perform this initialisation (as is done in stats::simulate()).

It seed is an integer, it is used in a call to set.seed() before the simulation takes place. The integer is saved as a seed attribute in the return value. The integer seed is completed by an attribute kind which contains the value ⁠as.list([RNGkind()])⁠ exactly as with stats::simulate(). The random generator state is reset to its original value at the end of the call.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.vlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a VLMC with a non zero order. In order to simulate something meaningful for those values when init is not provided, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.vlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All vlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


Mächler, M. and Bühlmann, P. (2004) "Variable Length Markov Chains: Methodology, Computing, and Software" Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13 (2), 435-455, doi:10.1198/1061860043524

See Also

stats::simulate() for details and examples on the random number generator setting


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power,
    probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 5)
new_rdts <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0)
new_rdts_2 <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0, init = rdts[1:5])
new_rdts_3 <- simulate(model, 500, seed = 0, burnin = 500)

State space of an object


This function returns the state space of an object for which this is meaningful such as a discrete time series or a context tree.



## S3 method for class 'ctx_tree'

## S3 method for class 'dts'



an object with a state space.


the state space of the context tree.


rdts <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
rdts_ctree <- ctx_tree(rdts, min_size = 1, max_depth = 2)
## should be c(0, 1)
x_dts <- dts(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 20, replace = TRUE))
## should be c("A", "B", "C")

Trim a context tree


This function returns a trimmed context tree from which match positions have been removed.


trim(ct, ...)



a context tree.


additional arguments for the trim function.


a trimmed context tree.


## context tree trimming
rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 1000, replace = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- ctx_tree(rdts, max_depth = 10, min_size = 5, keep_position = TRUE)
rdts_tree <- trim(rdts_tree)



This function returns a trimmed COVLMC from which cached data have been removed.


## S3 method for class 'covlmc'
trim(ct, keep_model = FALSE, ...)



a context tree.


specifies whether to keep the internal models (or not)


additional arguments for the trim function.


Called with keep_model set to FALSE (default case), the trimming is maximal and reduces further usability of the model. In particular loglikelihood.covlmc() cannot be used for new data, contexts.covlmc() do not support model extraction, and simulate.covlmc(), metrics.covlmc() and prune.covlmc() cannot be used at all.

Called with keep_model set to TRUE, the trimming process is less complete. In particular internal models are simplified using butcher::butcher() and some additional minor reductions. This saves less memory but enables the use of loglikelihood.covlmc() for new data as well as the use of simulate.covlmc().


a trimmed context tree.

See Also



pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 5:7, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
m_cov <- covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov, min_size = 10, keep_data = TRUE)
print(object.size(m_cov), units = "Mb")
t_m_cov_model <- trim(m_cov, keep_model = TRUE)
print(object.size(t_m_cov_model), units = "Mb")
t_m_cov <- trim(m_cov)
print(object.size(t_m_cov), units = "Mb")

This function returns a trimmed VLMC from which match positions have been removed.


This function returns a trimmed context tree from which match positions have been removed.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc'
trim(ct, ...)





additional arguments for the trim function.


a trimmed VLMC


## VLMC trimming is generally useless unless match positions were kept
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 5:6, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = 4)
model <- vlmc(rdts, keep_match = TRUE)
model <- trim(model)
## memory use should be reduced
nm_model <- vlmc(rdts)
nm_model <- trim(nm_model)
## no effect when match positions are not kept

This function returns a trimmed VLMC from which match positions have been removed.


This function returns a trimmed context tree from which match positions have been removed.


## S3 method for class 'vlmc_cpp'
trim(ct, ...)





additional arguments for the trim function.


Trimming in the C++ backend is done directly in the Rcpp managed memory and cannot be detected at R level using e.g. utils::object.size().


a trimmed VLMC


## VLMC trimming is generally useless unless match positions were kept
pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 5:6, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = 4)
model <- vlmc(rdts, backend = "C++", keep_match = TRUE)
model <- trim(model)

Fit an optimal Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC) to a discrete time series coupled with a time series of covariates by optimizing an information criterion (BIC or AIC).


  criterion = c("BIC", "AIC"),
  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),
  alpha_init = NULL,
  min_size = 5,
  max_depth = 100,
  verbose = 0,
  save = c("best", "initial", "all"),
  trimming = c("full", "partial", "none"),
  best_trimming = c("none", "partial", "full")



an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series, such as an integer vector or a dts object (see dts()).


a data frame of covariates.


criterion used to select the best model. Either "BIC" (default) or "AIC" (see details).


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. See loglikelihood() for details.


if non NULL used as the initial cut off parameter (in quantile scale) to build the initial VLMC


integer >= 1 (default: 5). Tune the minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree (see covlmc() for details).


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the initial context tree (see details).


integer >= 0 (default: 0). Verbosity level of the pruning process.


specify which BIC models are saved during the pruning process. The default value "best" asks the function to keep only the best model according to the criterion. When save="initial" the function keeps in addition the initial (complex) model which is then pruned during the selection process. When save="all", the function returns all the models considered during the selection process. See details for memory occupation.


specify the type of trimming used when saving the intermediate models, see details.


specify the type of trimming used when saving the best model and the initial one (see details).


This function automates the process of fitting a large coVLMC to a discrete time series with covlmc() and of pruning the tree (with cutoff() and prune()) to get an optimal with respect to an information criterion. To avoid missing long term dependencies, the function uses the max_depth parameter as an initial guess but then relies on an automatic increase of the value to make sure the initial context tree is only limited by the min_size parameter. The initial value of the alpha parameter of covlmc() is also set to a conservative value (0.5) to avoid prior simplification of the context tree. This can be overridden by setting the alpha_init parameter to a more adapted value.

Once the initial coVLMC is obtained, the cutoff() and prune() functions are used to build all the coVLMC models that could be generated using smaller values of the alpha parameter. The best model is selected from this collection, including the initial complex tree, as the one that minimizes the chosen information criterion.


a list with the following components:

  • best_model: the optimal COVLMC

  • criterion: the criterion used to select the optimal VLMC

  • initial: the likelihood function used to select the optimal VLMC

  • results: a data frame with details about the pruning process

  • saved_models: a list of intermediate COVLMCs if save="initial" or save="all". It contains an initial component with the large coVLMC obtained first and an all component with a list of all the other coVLMC obtained by pruning the initial one.

Memory occupation

covlmc objects tend to be large and saving all the models during the search for the optimal model can lead to an unreasonable use of memory. To avoid this problem, models are kept in trimmed form only using trim.covlmc() with keep_model=FALSE. Both the initial model and the best one are saved untrimmed. This default behaviour corresponds to trimming="full". Setting trimming="partial" asks the function to use keep_model=TRUE in trim.covlmc() for intermediate models. Finally, trimming="none" turns off trimming, which is discouraged expected for small data sets.

In parallel processing contexts (e.g. using foreach::%dopar%), the memory occupation of the results can become very large as models tend to keep environments attached to the formulas. In this situation, it is highly recommended to trim all saved models, including the best one and the initial one. This can be done via the best_trimming parameter whose possible values are identical to the ones of trimming.

See Also

covlmc(), cutoff() and prune()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week %in% 6:7, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.5, 1))))
rdts_cov <- data.frame(day_night = (pc$hour >= 7 & pc$hour <= 17))
rdts_best_model_tune <- tune_covlmc(rdts, rdts_cov)

Fit an optimal Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC) to a discrete time series by optimizing an information criterion (BIC or AIC).


  criterion = c("BIC", "AIC"),
  initial = c("truncated", "specific", "extended"),
  alpha_init = NULL,
  cutoff_init = NULL,
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R"),
  verbose = 0,
  save = c("best", "initial", "all")



an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series, such as an integer vector or a dts object (see dts()).


criterion used to select the best model. Either "BIC" (default) or "AIC" (see details).


specifies the likelihood function, more precisely the way the first few observations for which contexts cannot be calculated are integrated in the likelihood. Default to "truncated". See loglikelihood() for details.


if non NULL used as the initial cut off parameter (in quantile scale) to build the initial VLMC


if non NULL used as the initial cut off parameter to build the initial VLMC. Takes precedence over alpha_init if specified.


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the initial context tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the initial context tree (see details).


backend "R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See vlmc() for details.


integer >= 0 (default: 0). Verbosity level of the pruning process.


specify which BIC models are saved during the pruning process. The default value "best" asks the function to keep only the best model according to the criterion. When save="initial" the function keeps in addition the initial (complex) model which is then pruned during the selection process. When save="all", the function returns all the models considered during the selection process.


This function automates the process of fitting a large VLMC to a discrete time series with vlmc() and of pruning the tree (with cutoff() and prune()) to get an optimal with respect to an information criterion. To avoid missing long term dependencies, the function uses the max_depth parameter as an initial guess but then relies on an automatic increase of the value to make sure the initial context tree is only limited by the min_size parameter. The initial value of the cutoff parameter of vlmc() is also set to conservative values (depending on the criterion) to avoid prior simplification of the context tree. This default value can be overridden using the cutoff_init or alpha_init parameter.

Once the initial VLMC is obtained, the cutoff() and prune() functions are used to build all the VLMC models that could be generated using larger values of the initial cut off parameter. The best model is selected from this collection, including the initial complex tree, as the one that minimizes the chosen information criterion.


a list with the following components:

  • best_model: the optimal VLMC

  • criterion: the criterion used to select the optimal VLMC

  • initial: the likelihood function used to select the optimal VLMC

  • results: a data frame with details about the pruning process

  • saved_models: a list of intermediate VLMCs if save="initial" or save="all". It contains an initial component with the large VLMC obtained first and an all component with a list of all the other VLMC obtained by pruning the initial one.

See Also

vlmc(), cutoff() and prune()


rdts <- sample(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), 100, replace = TRUE)
tune_result <- tune_vlmc(rdts)

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC) to a discrete time series.


  alpha = 0.05,
  cutoff = NULL,
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  prune = TRUE,
  keep_match = FALSE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R")



an object that can be interpreted as a discrete time series, such as an integer vector or a dts object (see dts())


number in (0,1] (default: 0.05) cut off value in quantile scale in the pruning phase.


non negative number: cut off value in native (likelihood ratio) scale in the pruning phase. Defaults to the value obtained from alpha. Takes precedence over alpha is specified.


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical: specify whether the context tree should be pruned (default behaviour).


logical: specify whether to keep the context matches (default to FALSE)


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


The VLMC is built using Bühlmann and Wyner's algorithm which consists in fitting a context tree (see ctx_tree()) to a time series and then pruning it in such as way that the conditional distribution of the next state of the time series given the context is significantly different from the distribution given a truncated version of the context.

The construction of the context tree is controlled by min_size and max_depth, exactly as in ctx_tree(). Significativity is measured using a likelihood ratio test (threshold can be specified in terms of the ratio itself with cutoff) or in quantile scale with alpha.

Pruning can be postponed by setting prune=FALSE. Using a combination of cutoff() and prune(), the complexity of the VLMC can then be adjusted. Any VLMC model can be pruned after construction, prune=FALSE is a convenience parameter to avoid setting alpha=1 (which essentially prevents any pruning). Automated model selection is provided by tune_vlmc().


a fitted vlmc model.

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains. Ann. Statist." 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

See Also

cutoff(), prune() and tune_vlmc()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)))
model <- vlmc(rdts)
## reduce the depth of the model
shallow_model <- vlmc(rdts, max_depth = 3)
draw(shallow_model, prob = FALSE)
## improve probability estimates
robust_model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 25)
draw(robust_model, prob = FALSE) ## show the frequencies

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC) to a discrete time series.


## Default S3 method:
  alpha = 0.05,
  cutoff = NULL,
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  prune = TRUE,
  keep_match = FALSE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R")



a numeric, character, factor or logical vector


number in (0,1] (default: 0.05) cut off value in quantile scale in the pruning phase.


non negative number: cut off value in native (likelihood ratio) scale in the pruning phase. Defaults to the value obtained from alpha. Takes precedence over alpha is specified.


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical: specify whether the context tree should be pruned (default behaviour).


logical: specify whether to keep the context matches (default to FALSE)


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


The VLMC is built using Bühlmann and Wyner's algorithm which consists in fitting a context tree (see ctx_tree()) to a time series and then pruning it in such as way that the conditional distribution of the next state of the time series given the context is significantly different from the distribution given a truncated version of the context.

The construction of the context tree is controlled by min_size and max_depth, exactly as in ctx_tree(). Significativity is measured using a likelihood ratio test (threshold can be specified in terms of the ratio itself with cutoff) or in quantile scale with alpha.

Pruning can be postponed by setting prune=FALSE. Using a combination of cutoff() and prune(), the complexity of the VLMC can then be adjusted. Any VLMC model can be pruned after construction, prune=FALSE is a convenience parameter to avoid setting alpha=1 (which essentially prevents any pruning). Automated model selection is provided by tune_vlmc().


a fitted vlmc model.

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains. Ann. Statist." 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

See Also

cutoff(), prune() and tune_vlmc()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
rdts <- cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)))
model <- vlmc(rdts)
## reduce the depth of the model
shallow_model <- vlmc(rdts, max_depth = 3)
draw(shallow_model, prob = FALSE)
## improve probability estimates
robust_model <- vlmc(rdts, min_size = 25)
draw(robust_model, prob = FALSE) ## show the frequencies

Fit a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)


This function fits a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC) to a discrete time series.


## S3 method for class 'dts'
  alpha = 0.05,
  cutoff = NULL,
  min_size = 2L,
  max_depth = 100L,
  prune = TRUE,
  keep_match = FALSE,
  backend = getOption("mixvlmc.backend", "R")



a discrete time series represented by a dts object as created by dts()


number in (0,1] (default: 0.05) cut off value in quantile scale in the pruning phase.


non negative number: cut off value in native (likelihood ratio) scale in the pruning phase. Defaults to the value obtained from alpha. Takes precedence over alpha is specified.


integer >= 1 (default: 2). Minimum number of observations for a context in the growing phase of the context tree.


integer >= 1 (default: 100). Longest context considered in growing phase of the context tree.


logical: specify whether the context tree should be pruned (default behaviour).


logical: specify whether to keep the context matches (default to FALSE)


"R" or "C++" (default: as specified by the "mixvlmc.backend" option). Specifies the implementation used to represent the context tree and to built it. See details.


The VLMC is built using Bühlmann and Wyner's algorithm which consists in fitting a context tree (see ctx_tree()) to a time series and then pruning it in such as way that the conditional distribution of the next state of the time series given the context is significantly different from the distribution given a truncated version of the context.

The construction of the context tree is controlled by min_size and max_depth, exactly as in ctx_tree(). Significativity is measured using a likelihood ratio test (threshold can be specified in terms of the ratio itself with cutoff) or in quantile scale with alpha.

Pruning can be postponed by setting prune=FALSE. Using a combination of cutoff() and prune(), the complexity of the VLMC can then be adjusted. Any VLMC model can be pruned after construction, prune=FALSE is a convenience parameter to avoid setting alpha=1 (which essentially prevents any pruning). Automated model selection is provided by tune_vlmc().


a fitted vlmc model.

Back ends

Two back ends are available to compute context trees:

  • the "R" back end represents the tree in pure R data structures (nested lists) that be easily processed further in pure R (C++ helper functions are used to speed up the construction).

  • the "C++" back end represents the tree with C++ classes. This back end is considered experimental. The tree is built with an optimised suffix tree algorithm which speeds up the construction by at least a factor 10 in standard settings. As the tree is kept outside of R direct reach, context trees built with the C++ back end must be restored after a saveRDS()/readRDS() sequence. This is done automatically by recomputing completely the context tree.


Bühlmann, P. and Wyner, A. J. (1999), "Variable length Markov chains. Ann. Statist." 27 (2) 480-513 doi:10.1214/aos/1018031204

See Also

cutoff(), prune() and tune_vlmc()


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
power_dts <- dts(cut(pc$active_power,
  breaks = c(0, quantile(pc$active_power, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)))
model <- vlmc(power_dts)
## reduce the depth of the model
shallow_model <- vlmc(power_dts, max_depth = 3)
draw(shallow_model, prob = FALSE)
## improve probability estimates
robust_model <- vlmc(power_dts, min_size = 25)
draw(robust_model, prob = FALSE) ## show the frequencies